On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 09:18:42AM -0800, Ossama Othman wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 08:44:40PM +0100, Gary V. Vaughan wrote:
> > Hmmm. I think that installing config.h is a bad idea under any
> > circumstances. I talk about this in some detail in the ``Project''
> > chapters of the Goat Book (linked from my homepages), and offer an
> > ugly but functional solution. Even if you don;'t go for that solution
> > all out, there is no getting away from the fact that a certain amount
> > of rewriting is an absolute must.
> I'm not sure that I agree with you, though I confess that I probably
> haven't thought about this issue as much as you. Please feel free to
> correct me. :-)
> If the macros placed in the package specific config.h are named so
> that they are specific to the given package then why is installing
> that header a problem. For example, if my config header has the
> following:
> /* I'm assuming that "FOO" is a fairly unique package name. */
> #ifndef FOO_CONFIG_H
> #define FOO_CONFIG_H
> #endif /* FOO_CONFIG_H */
That's right. You are actually agreeing with me here. Before you can
install foo's config.h, you must take all of the HAVE_BAR macros and
rewrite them to say FOO_HAVE_BAR...
> then the defined macros would presumably not conflict with macros in
> other headers. Sure another package may potentially use macros with
> the same name but at least some reconciliation can be achieved between
> the package authors.
> I do agree that the use of macros in a config.h such as "PACKAGE,"
> "VERSION" and "HAVE_*" is a bad thing since they are named
> generically. It would be nice if it was possible to make autoconf
> prepend a package name, for example, to such automatically defined
> macros. That would at least help alleviate the problem.
Yup. If autoconf rewrote the header for you, there would no longer be
any need to do it manually before installing.
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