On Mar 13, 2000, Akim Demaille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>>>> "Alexandre" == Alexandre Oliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Alexandre> On Mar 13, 2000, Akim Demaille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> And again, I shall emphasize that this little comfort is a myth:
>>> you *need* to update Automake if you update Autoconf, let it be
>>> because Automake still doesn't support AC_CONFIG_FILES,
>>> AC_CONFIG_HEADERS and the like, new AC_SUBST variables etc.

Alexandre> But I'm not talking about updating autoconf, that's the
Alexandre> whole point.  I just wanted to update automake, and,
Alexandre> because of a minor patch that fixed one minor inconvenience
Alexandre> (an autoconf warning), I wasted a whole hour investigating
Alexandre> a problem that seemed to be totally unrelated.

> I agree, but as I said, I'm really hoping that we will soon move the
> --trace, so it is just trying to sneak in before the door is really
> closed.

I'd really prefer to have a stable release of automake with the many
the new features introduced since release 1.4, particularly user-side
dependency tracking, before starting to rely on CVS autoconf

Alexandre Oliva     http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/     Enjoy Guaranį
Cygnus Solutions, a Red Hat company        aoliva@{redhat, cygnus}.com
Free Software Developer and Evangelist    CS PhD student at IC-Unicamp
oliva@{lsd.ic.unicamp.br, gnu.org}   Write to mailing lists, not to me

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