Hi Pengji,

>>>>> Pengji Zhang <m...@pengjiz.com> writes:
> That is a good point. How about keeping the buffer around and reading in
> the file only when it has been updated? Basically:
> (with-current-buffer
>     (get-buffer-create (format " *%s*" log-file))
>   (when (file-has-changed-p log-file 'TeX-help-error)
>     (insert-file-contents log-file nil nil nil
>                           'replace))
>   ; Do the work...
>   )

Thank you, it seems promising and worked well for my brief testing.

> The problem here is that 'file-has-changed-p' is introduced in Emacs
> 29.1. So we need to backport this function. Anyway, I have updated the
> patch for your testing. If you think it is good, I will prepare a new
> patch with the 'file-has-changed-p' backported.

Thanks. Have you signed FSF copyright assignment form for AUCTeX (or
Emacs) before? If not, please follow the instruction here:

I'll wait for your update and install it when you tell us the assignment
is complete.

Ikumi Keita
#StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine
#Gaza #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW

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