Hi Keita,

Ikumi Keita <ik...@ikumi.que.jp> writes:

> Thank you for suggestion. I think it makes sense well. One thing I
> feel uneasy is that it can read in the log file many times, which
> isn't effective if the log file is large. So it would be nice if there
> is a solution without such redundancy. Do you see any good idea?

That is a good point. How about keeping the buffer around and reading in
the file only when it has been updated? Basically:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
    (get-buffer-create (format " *%s*" log-file))
  (when (file-has-changed-p log-file 'TeX-help-error)
    (insert-file-contents log-file nil nil nil
  ; Do the work...
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

The problem here is that 'file-has-changed-p' is introduced in Emacs
29.1. So we need to backport this function. Anyway, I have updated the
patch for your testing. If you think it is good, I will prepare a new
patch with the 'file-has-changed-p' backported.

> For example, isn't is possible to temporally disable polluting the
> file list when `find-file-noselect' is called?

I am not aware of such a mechanism. 'file-file-noselect' creates a
file-visiting, non-internal buffer, which IMO is not easy to change. We
may fix the problem case by case, but I think that would be tedious.

Besides, currently with 'find-file-noselect' we also revert the buffer
each time the 'TeX-help-error' function is called, which is not so
efficient either.


>From 303476e2ffd1d58c8dcdf19956baf8f5b00da731 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pengji Zhang <m...@pengjiz.com>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 08:15:50 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Use internal buffer for log file

* tex.el (TeX-help-error): Insert contents of log file into an
internal buffer (whose name starts with a space) instead of
visiting the file.  This is to avoid polluting, for example, the
user's buffer list and recentf list.
 tex.el | 40 +++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tex.el b/tex.el
index 4e361e4c..bab06caa 100644
--- a/tex.el
+++ b/tex.el
@@ -10053,29 +10053,23 @@ a bad box."
        (let ((help (cdr (nth TeX-error-pointer
-         (save-excursion
-           (if (and (= (1+ TeX-error-pointer)
-                       (length error-description-list))
-                    (let* ((log-buffer (find-buffer-visiting log-file)))
-                      (if log-buffer
-                          (progn
-                            (set-buffer log-buffer)
-                            (revert-buffer t t))
-                        (setq log-buffer
-                              (find-file-noselect log-file))
-                        (set-buffer log-buffer))
-                      (auto-save-mode nil)
-                      (setq buffer-read-only t)
-                      (goto-char (point-min))
-                      (search-forward error nil t 1))
-                    (re-search-forward "^l\\." nil t)
-                    (re-search-forward "^ [^\n]+$" nil t))
-               (let ((start (1+ (point))))
-                 (forward-char 1)
-                 (re-search-forward "^$")
-                 (concat "From the .log file...\n\n"
-                         (buffer-substring start (point))))
-             help)))))
+         (or (and (= (1+ TeX-error-pointer)
+                     (length error-description-list))
+                  (with-current-buffer
+                      (get-buffer-create (format " *%s*" log-file))
+                    (when (file-has-changed-p log-file 'TeX-help-error)
+                      (insert-file-contents log-file nil nil nil
+                                            'replace))
+                    (goto-char (point-min))
+                    (when (and (search-forward error nil t)
+                               (re-search-forward "^l\\." nil t)
+                               (re-search-forward "^ [^\n]+$" nil t))
+                      (let ((start (1+ (point))))
+                        (forward-char 1)
+                        (re-search-forward "^$")
+                        (concat "From the .log file...\n\n"
+                                (buffer-substring start (point)))))))
+             help))))
     (goto-char (point-min))
     (TeX-pop-to-buffer old-buffer nil t)))

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