>>> "AE" == Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes:

> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
>> But so far it is a nice feature

> Thanks, maybe you test it a little more and see how AUCTeX manages any
> error messages issued by LatexMk and/or LaTeX.  I'm not sure how good it
> works in that area.

I just realized the following, I use the subdirectory build (relative
path) in which all the aux, pdf etc files are saved, 

TeX-view finds them of course.

However when I run latexmk, then all these files are saved in the same
directory where the tex file dwells (which is the default behavior for
many users). 

    1. Can latexmk please also use the build directory

    2. More importantly, right now TeX-view does not find the compiled
       pdf file.

I strongly condemn Hamas heinous despicable pogroms/atrocities on Israel
I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the EU and NATO membership of Ukraine. 

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