Hi Uwe,

Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

> In the last couple of days I  came again into contact with latexmk (but
> for for org-latex-preview, which can be configured using
> latexmk+pdf+imagemagick, not sure that latex-preview has this feature)
> Be it as it may, I also found using package-list-packages
> https://github.com/tom-tan/auctex-latexmk
> which is a bit outdated.
> So I was wondering whether there was any discussion to which extend
> auctex supports the use latexmk. Maybe there was a discussion, but I
> missed or forgot it.

We added support (well, somewhat) for LatexMk to AUCTeX sometimes ago.
It is actually waiting for some user feedback.  I suppose you have an
up-to-date AUCTeX installation, just hit C-c C-c and choose LaTeXMk
instead of LaTeX.

Best, Arash

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