>>>>> Arash Esbati <ar...@gnu.org> writes: > Thanks for starting this. I had a brief look, at LGTM. Do you want to > install it on main or on a temp branch? I think we have to optimize it > here and there, but overall it looks good.
OK, I installed the change in the main branch. > One thing I'd like to get into the manual is snippets for using AUCTeX > with `use-package', e.g., > (use-package auctex > :init > (load "~/development/auctex/auctex-autoloads.el" nil t t) > (with-eval-after-load 'info > (add-to-list 'Info-additional-directory-list > "~/development/auctex/doc"))) > in the section for loading out of a local repo. I included that as well. In addition, I changed the recipe for standard ELPA installation from (use-package tex :ensure auctex) to more standard form (use-package auctex :ensure t) . Now it defers loading tex.el(c) at startup time. >> In addition, it seems to me that we can delete yet more files on main >> branch. >> - RELEASE >> - ChangeLog-preview >> - changeLog-preview.1 >> - doc/copying.texi because it discusses only preview-latex, not AUCTeX >> as a whole, and it isn't the same as COPYING, and it isn't included in >> any other texinfo files. >> What do you think? > I think we can do that. OK, I'll do that at some later time. (And I'll delete install-sh and mkinstalldirs as well.) > It seems to me that `org-texinfo-export-to-texinfo-batch' generates > stand-alone .texi files and not ones intended to be included somewhere > else. Agreed. > Hmm, actually the exercise with NEWS.org began in order to get something > in the NEWS section on the ELPA page: > https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/auctex.html Hmm, then it will be mostly enough, I suppose. > I hope the changes are placed more prominently now. But yes, they will > be missing in the manual. The Changes section in the manual still includes changes.texi. I'll change that to intruction to see NEWS.org. (And we should transfer the contents of changes.texi into history.texi?) Regards, Ikumi Keita #StandWithUkraine #StopWarInUkraine #Gaza #StopMassiveKilling #CeasefireNOW