Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes: >>>> "JB" == Jeremy Bryant <j...@jeremybryant.net> writes: > >> Having tested Paul's preview-auto package, this would be a clear >> candidate for either merging or at least distribution with AUCTeX. > >> Is there a mathematician that would write TeX and use preview but not >> use preview-auto? > > Hm, I am a mathematician. I am using right now mainly > prettify-symbols-mode and, sometimes, tex-continuous[1] > I have used preview-latex in the past, but then for long documents did > not find it very convenient. > > But maybe things have changed. Where do I find preview-auto?
Yes things have changed. You should definitely try Paul's preview-auto, alongside the other packages. (It sounds like Tex-Continuous was perhaps an earlier version of the current name auctex-cont-latexmk) > > > Uwe Brauer > > Footnotes: > [1] also written by Paul