So... with me running out of things to test, I had to give consideration to the CPU and memory. Memory was easier to test. Tried a few different modules in different combinations to no change.
CPU, sadly, was another story. I was able to swap in a 3700X and it yielded positive results. I stressed the RX 560 across Linux and Windows yesterday and today and had no instability. Doing a quick google search for "5950x system crash" returns a lot of similar stories. One poster on the AMD community forums[1] said they "fixed" things by downgrading from a 5950X to a 3950X (smh). It's a little funny to me that AMD's own products won't play nice with each other. And it's utterly bizarre to me that its flagship desktop CPU has so many stability problems. Just for kicks, I tried the HD 6350 I have in my current rig and it crashes the system too. Three different architectures on three different vendors' boards, all the same result. So the RX 560 is going back and I guess I'll have to find a nice potato with good open source driver support to be my next GPU lol -- Cal Peake [1]