On Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 6:12 PM Cal Peake <c...@absolutedigital.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Feb 2022, Christian König wrote:
> > Interesting to know that it turned out to be the motherboard, going to keep
> > that in mind if somebody else is having similar problems.
> Looks like I might have spoke too soon, getting random resets again. I
> have no idea why my nvidia card runs perfectly fine, but two completely
> different AMD GPUs both have the same problem, or why that problem comes
> and goes at random.
> I'm gonna have to do a deeper dive into this until I figure it out (or
> until Intel drops their dGPUs and I can get a modern, OSS-friendly GPU
> that's stable on my system lol).
> I'll let you know if I come up with anything more definitive, Christian.

Does setting amdgpu.aspm=0 help?


> Thanks!
> --
> Cal Peake
> P.S. To your earlier point about capacitors: Between the mobo and the GPU,
> the only electrolytic caps are for the audio hardware. Everything else is
> solid polymer, so I'm thinking that that's probably not the culprit :-)

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