On 16/10/17 05:53 PM, Kai Wasserbäch wrote:
> [Please CC me on all replies, I'm not subscribed to amd-gfx.]
> Hey,
> I'm not sure whether this is a bug or if I'm just missing something. I've got
> the following stack (Debian testing as a base):
> GPU: Hawaii PRO [Radeon R9 290] (ChipID = 0x67b1)
> Mesa: Git:master/c7a81dcea9
> libdrm: 2.4.84-2
> LLVM: SVN:trunk/r315850 (6.0 devel)
> X.Org: 2:1.19.3-2
> Linux: 4.13.7
> Firmware (firmware-amd-graphics): 20170823-1
> libclc: Git:master/df9db2adca
> DDX (xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu): 1.4.0-1
> In my xorg.conf I have (and if I read the manpage correctly, the »Option "DRI"
> "3"« line shouldn't even be necessary anymore):
>> Section "Device"
>>         Identifier      "Forced to amdgpu with DRI3"
>>         Driver          "amdgpu"
>>         Option          "DRI"                   "3"
>> EndSection
> But when I look at my Xorg.0.log or the output of eglinfo, I see the following
> lines:
> - Xorg.0.log: [    15.305] (II) glamor: EGL version 1.5 (DRI2):
> - eglinfo:    EGL version string: 1.5 (DRI2)
> My understanding was, that amdgpu supports DRI3 for quite some time now and
> therefore would expect to see something like "EGL version string: 1.5 (DRI3)".
> What am I missing?

Only that those messages are about a different "DRI2" than the
alternative to DRI3.

Setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose when running a client prints on stderr
whether it's using DRI3 or DRI2.

Earthling Michel Dänzer               |               http://www.amd.com
Libre software enthusiast             |             Mesa and X developer

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