This DC patchset brings improvements in multiple areas. In summary, we have:
- Fixes on psr_version, dcn35 register address, DCPG OP control sequences
- Imporvements to CR AUX RD interval interpretation, dio link encoder
- Disable PSR-SU on some OLED panels
Cc: Daniel Wheeler <>

Alex Hung (1):
  drm/amd/display: Fix possible NULL dereferencing

Aric Cyr (1):
  drm/amd/display: 3.2.318

Austin Zheng (1):
  drm/amd/display: Account For OTO Prefetch Bandwidth When Calculating
    Urgent Bandwidth

Charlene Liu (1):
  drm/amd/display: pass calculated dram_speed_mts to dml2

Dillon Varone (1):
  drm/amd/display: Ammend DCPG IP control sequences to align with HW

George Shen (1):
  drm/amd/display: Update CR AUX RD interval interpretation

Hansen Dsouza (1):
  drm/amd/display: Add boot option to reduce PHY SSC for HBR3

Peichen Huang (1):
  drm/amd/display: refactor dio link encoder assigning

Sung Lee (1):
  drm/amd/display: Guard Possible Null Pointer Dereference

Tom Chung (2):
  drm/amd/display: Initial psr_version with correct setting
  drm/amd/display: Disable PSR-SU on some OLED panel

Wayne Lin (1):
  drm/amd/display: Fix potential NULL dereference

Zhikai Zhai (1):
  drm/amd/display: Update Cursor request mode to the beginning prefetch

loanchen (1):
  drm/amd/display: Correct register address in dcn35

 .../drm/amd/display/amdgpu_dm/amdgpu_dm_psr.c |  20 ++
 .../drm/amd/display/dc/bios/bios_parser2.c    |   4 +-
 .../display/dc/clk_mgr/dcn35/dcn35_clk_mgr.c  |   2 +-
 drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc.c      |  11 +-
 .../gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/core/dc_resource.c | 202 +++++++++++++++++-
 drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/dc.h           |   4 +-
 .../drm/amd/display/dc/dml/dcn35/dcn35_fpu.c  |   2 +
 .../amd/display/dc/dml/dcn351/dcn351_fpu.c    |   1 +
 .../src/dml2_core/dml2_core_dcn4_calcs.c      |  25 ++-
 .../src/dml2_core/dml2_core_shared_types.h    |   5 +
 .../display/dc/dml2/dml2_translation_helper.c |   9 +-
 .../drm/amd/display/dc/dml2/dml2_wrapper.h    |   1 +
 .../amd/display/dc/hubp/dcn31/dcn31_hubp.c    |   2 +-
 .../amd/display/dc/hwss/dcn10/dcn10_hwseq.c   |  22 +-
 .../amd/display/dc/hwss/dcn20/dcn20_hwseq.c   |  14 +-
 .../amd/display/dc/hwss/dcn401/dcn401_hwseq.c |  34 +++
 .../amd/display/dc/hwss/dcn401/dcn401_hwseq.h |   3 +
 .../amd/display/dc/hwss/dcn401/dcn401_init.c  |   2 +-
 .../gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/inc/core_types.h   |   3 +
 .../link/protocols/link_dp_training_8b_10b.c  |   7 +-
 .../gpu/drm/amd/display/dmub/src/dmub_dcn31.c |   1 +
 21 files changed, 339 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)


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