On 1/19/25 9:06 PM, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
What about contests? The most successful Agoran contests historically
seem to have been ones that work similar to proposal voting, in that
you get a batch of things to do every week, and can focus on them at
any point during the week without any advantage or disadvantage based
on timing.
The card-collecting game I have as my likely next contest idea should
satisfy this. The basic mechanism is that a player can, once a week, do
three things (all together, not as a pick and choose): seed a public
card, seed a private card, and reveal a hint about their private card
(if any remain unrevealed). The following week, each such player gets
dealt a public card and a private card.
Timing mainly matters if two players realize they have a complete set in
the same week; the first one to act in that case would win. Seeing other
players' choices can provide a small amount of information as well (but
they can also bluff with their choices). Players who more actively trade
cards will be a bit more likely to win, but I also don't expect it to be
the dominant driver -- trading seems most likely to occur between two
players who have partially complete sets but aren't on the verge of winning.
Also, if a player misses a week for whatever reason, they're two cards
behind, but their private card is one hint less known to others.
That's not meant to be a complete description of the rules, but just a
high-level example to show that you're not the only one thinking along
these lines.
Collector, Illuminator, Prime Minister
Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: alive
Bang holdings: 2