On 1/8/25 11:14, 4st nomic via agora-business wrote: > I am generally proposing an informal classification of rules, one that is > clearly marked "DANGER", so that players may be aware that playing that > subgame may come at a cost. With no risk, there is no reward. > > I submit the following proposal:{ > Title: Goblins > Adoption Index: 1.0 > Author: 4st > Co-author(s): Mischief > > [This is some untracked nonsense designed to catch people in gotchas, or to > see if you can get away with things, and overall, to be a little bit silly, > a little bit of a menace, and open the way for shenanigans and some > light-heartedness. It is designed to be a bit longer-term, and to be only > slightly harder for older players to achieve.] > > Enact a new rule titled "DANGER: Goblins" with power 1 and the text: > { > Goblins are an untracked fungible asset, ownable by anything.
This is just *begging* for problems for no reason. > A player is the Goblin Monarch if e has at least 10 more goblins than each > other player. The Goblin Monarch CAN Start a Goblin Rebellion by > announcement, provided that no Goblin Monarch has done so in the last 30 > days. When The Goblin Monarch does so, e wins the game. If the Goblin > Monarch has won the game in this way, all their goblins are destroyed. "eir". Also, the last clause would apply to any player that has ever won the game in this way, thus meaning e could never do so again. > A goblin owned by Contracts, Players, or the Lost and Found Department is a > loyal goblin, every other goblin is feral. "Contracts" and "Players" should not be capitalized. Also, "a contract", and "a player"; each asset is owned by exactly one entity. The final comma should be a semicolon. > - Once per player per week by announcement, a feral goblin can be > transferred to anything so long as that goblin becomes loyal by doing so. > - Once per player per week by announcement, a goblin owned by the Lost and > Found Department can be transferred to anything so long as that goblin > becomes feral by doing so. This is a list without a header. > Attempting to start a Goblin Rebellion when you CANNOT is ILLEGAL. > Attempting to transfer a goblin when you CANNOT is ILLEGAL. This should be "publicly", at least. "You" is not defined in rules: when "one" CANNOT. > Infractions of this rule are class 4. The referee is ENCOURAGED to specify > the maximum number of blots for infractions related to goblins. > > - When a player is granted a welcome package, that player is granted 1 > goblin. > - When a player is awarded a ribbon they did not have, that player is > granted > 1 goblin. > - When the Prime Minister executes the Dive cabinet order, the player > specified by that order is granted 1 goblin. > - When a player who is not the Goblin Monarch attempts to Start a Goblin > Rebellion, grant that player 1 goblin. Again, a list without a header. The bullet points serve no purpose. > I also submit the following proposal: { > Title: Gnomes > Adoption Index: 1.0 > Author: 4st > Co-author(s): > > [Like dreams and goblins, but different. Designed to be a "Set and Forget" > type game that might appeal to intermittent or slower paced players, such > as players that insist on being active even if they appear to not be.] > > Enact a new rule titled "DANGER: Gnomes" with power 1 and the text: > { > Gnomes are an untracked fungible asset, ownable by Players. > > Infractions of this rule are class 4. The referee is ENCOURAGED to specify > the maximum number of blots for infractions related to gnomes. > > Caste is an untracked player switch, values being anything, and a default > of Dragon. A player can change their Caste once a month to a specified > value by announcement. Again, this is just begging for problems. In particular, this potentially makes references to "X" players, where X is the value of a switch, ambiguous. For instance, one could flip this switch to "active" or "inactive". "eir", not "their". > A player that owns 20 or more gnomes CAN Dance a Powerful Dance by > announcement. When a player Dances a Powerful Dance, that player wins the > game, their caste is flipped to Angel, and their gnomes are destroyed. "eir". > When a player Dances a Powerful Dance, for each player, destroy 4 gnomes > they own. Rules should not be written in the imperative. Also, this doesn't handle the case where a player has fewer than four gnomes: "for each other player, four gnomes are revoked from em (or, if e owns fewer than four, all of eir gnomes)". > Attempting to Dance a Powerful Dance when you CANNOT is ILLEGAL. As above, "you" is undefined. > When the number of gnomes a player owns goes from below 20 to over 19, > their caste is flipped to Gnomic. > > Caste List: > - Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, Gnomic players' gnomes cannot be > destroyed. > - For each Dragon player, when their spendies are destroyed by Rule 2690, > if at least 20 of their spendies were destroyed, grant that player 1 gnome. > - Whenever a player registers, grant each Unicorn player 1 gnome. > - Whenever a player is deregistered, grant each Vampire player 1 gnome. > - Whenever a player wins the game, grant each Angel player 2 gnomes. > - Whenever the Prime Minister executes an Executive Order, grant each Troll > player 1 gnome. > - Whenever a patent title is awarded, grant each Fairy player 1 gnome. > - Whenever a player attempts to Dance a Powerful Dance, grant each Elvish > player 1 gnome. While this list has a dummy header, the bullet points still don't do anything. These might as well be separate paragraphs. Again, rules should not be written in the imperative: "each player is granted". "their" -> "eir". These adjectives are not clearly referring to "caste", as that isn't specified, and isn't necessarily clear from context (since the switch can have "any" value). > If "Goblins" is enacted, append to "Gnomes" the text: > { > - Whenever a Orc player is granted a new goblin, grant that player 1 > gnome. > - Whenever a player attempts to Start a Goblin Rebellion, grant each Sphinx > player 1 gnome. > } > and append to "Goblins" the text: > { > - Once per week when a player attempts to Dance a Powerful Dance, grant > that player 1 goblin. > } > Same problems as above; "publicly attempts" again. Also, "Goblins" cannot have been "enacted"; proposals are "adopted", and it should explicitly invoke the word "proposal" if that's what it's meant to refer to. -- Janet Cobb Assessor, Rulekeepor