On 11/19/24 12:29 PM, Alexis Hunt via agora-discussion wrote:

To remedy this, I would like to offer my services for coauthorship,
preferably on proposals that aren't highly controversial. I will happily
review them with reference to the current ruleset, but I will gleefully
pretend that Agora and its culture are otherwise the same as five years ago
when I last played. I can, alternatively, generate some ideas, possibly
silly ones.

For what it's worth, I like to think I'm pretty generous with coauthorship credit (hint hint)

BTW, I ended up name-dropping you in


by virtue of the fact that your name starts with a schwa sound and fits into trochaic pentameter.

Collector, Illuminator, Prime Minister
Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: alive
Bang holdings: 2

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