nix wrote:
I assign CFJ 4059 to Murphy.
("As a result of the 2023 Agoran't Birthday Tournament, Murphy won the
Draft judgement:
Without performing an exhaustive analysis of the Agoran't archives, I'm
assuming that (a) either Kate or snail had a dictatorship, and (b) in
either case there were at least as many rules at the end as the
beginning. Accordingly, I judge FALSE.
Kate's dictatorship mainly depends on whether Festivity was set to 5,
due to "Festivity is 5." hidden in this ADoP report self-ratifying:
If so, and if Kate indeed gained five Ribbons on 2023-08-31, and no one
else gained as many, then:
* Only Kate's vote counted on any proposal resolved after 230.
* Only Kate's support counted on any tabled action resolved after 230.
which should have been enough for eir dictatorship to become effective.
If Kate's dictatorship was effective, then this message brought the
number of rules up to 132 (equal to the starting number):
unless (a) there were less than 118 rules beforehand (I think some rules
were repealed up to that point, but probably not that many), or (b) it
was ineffective for some other reason, despite the dictatorship being
effective in general.
If Kate's dictatorship didn't succeed, then it's likely (though not
guaranteed) that snail's did:
If snail's dictatorship was effective, then e enacted/repealed rules as
follows: (-1) (-1 +13) (+1) (+13 +13) (+1)
which again brought the number of rules up to at least 132, unless (a)
there were less than 93 rules beforehand, or (b) some of these were
ineffective for some other reason.
Judge's evidence:
Initiation of Agoran't
Agoran't starting ruleset (132 rules)
Recap of Agoran't messages (at least what they alleged to do):
30 Janet's first attempt at rule "Public Speaking" (dictatorship by
34 Janet's second attempt
128 Janet's attempts rejected
75 snail's first attempt at "Public Speaking"
195 snail's second attempt
223 snail's second version adopted
51 Ruleset as of 2023-08-25 (132 rules)
138 Ruleset as of 2023-09-05 (129 rules)
230 Registrar report with "Festivity is 5." hidden in it
231 Arbitor report
232 Kate creates and distributes proposal "Restoration of the Monarchy"
(create two rules, give Kate a power 3 dictatorship)
233 Kate votes FOR RotM
234 Janet votes FOR RotM
235 4st votes AGAINST RotM
236 nix registers
237 snail votes AGAINST RotM
238 snail intends to (with notice) exercise eir dictatorship (create one
rule, give snail power to hand out 100-blot fines for voting against eir
239 response to a CoE (Daily Dose of Vitamin C's power is 1, not 0.5)
240 snail intends to (with notice) exercise eir dictatorship (create one
rule, give snail power to hand out 100-blot fines for objecting to eir
tabled intents)
241 various crimes dismissed for not being investigated quickly enough
242 Referee report (snail 1, others 0)
243 Janet says that DDoVC's distribution failed, despite 239
244 CoE of stuff meant for Agora
245 kiako votes AGAINST RotM
246 snail exercises eir dictatorship (e succumbs 9 times)
247 snail exercises eir dictatorship (4st and kiako each succumb 9 times)
248 Murphy votes AGAINST RotM
249 Kate initiates elections, becomes candidate
250 Janet becomes candidate
251 4st becomes candidate
252 Kate changes vote on RotM to AGAINST
253 kiako becomes candidate
254 Janet changes vote on RotM to AGAINST
255 snail repeats intent from 238, 104 times
256 snail repeats intent from 240, 104 times
257 snail intends to (without objection) ratify blots: snail kiako 4st
0, others 100
258 Kate CoEs 257
259 Kate points out that CoE is only meaningful for self-ratification,
not for RWO
260 Registrar report
261 kiako CoEs Registrar report
262 kiako CoEs Registrar report
263 snail creates and distributes proposal "The End is Nigh" (alter
rules "Public Speaking" and 105)
264 Janet votes AGAINST TEiN
265 Kate votes AGAINST TEiN
266 Kate creates and distributes proposal "Restoration of the Monarchy
v2" (revert rules with power <= 3 to 2023-10-20, create one rule, give
Kate a power 3 dictatorship)
267 Kate votes FOR RotM v2
268 Janet votes FOR RotM v2
269 Kate reiterates 267 in case of ambiguity
270 snail votes AGAINST RotM v2
271 kiako votes FOR TEiN
272 kiako votes AGAINST RotM v2
273 4st votes AGAINST RotM v2
274 snail creates and distributes proposal "The End is So Nigh" (same as
275 Janet does various things
276 Janet objects to 257
277 Kate supports some things from 275
278 Kate initiates voting
279 Kate initiates voting
280 Kate votes in elections
281 Janet votes in elections
282 Janet votes in elections
283 4st investigates some crimes (NOT GUILTY), supports / objects to
some stuff, intends to (with 2 Agoran Consent) grant Janet a degree
284 4st votes in elections
285 4st investigates some crimes, gives Janet 100+ blots and allegedly
deregisters em
286 Janet questions 285
287 4st intends to (with 7 days notice) exile Janet
288 nix votes in elections
289 Janet votes AGAINST TEiSN
290 4st investigates some crimes and gives Janet 100+ blots
291 Kate questions 290
292 snail intends to (with notice) exercise eir dictatorship (create a
rule: only snail, kiako, 4st can register)
293 Kate proposes "De-Escalating the Hole" (blocking registration
requires Power 3+)
294 Janet intends to deputise for Assessor to resolve RotM and RotM v2
295 snail creates and distributes "The End is Kinda Nigh" (alter rule
"Public Speaking")
296 4st votes FOR TEiKN
297 kiako objects to some stuff
298 kiako votes in elections
299 kiako CoEs Registrar report
300 kiako votes FOR TEiKN
301 kiako votes FOR TEiSN
302 Janet votes AGAINST proposals distributed by snail
303 Janet votes AGAINST TEiKN
304 Janet votes AGAINST TEiKN
305 snail exercises eir dictatorship (e succumbs 9 times)
306 Murphy conditionally objects to 257
307 Murphy votes FOR RotM v2
308 Murphy objects to some stuff
309 kiako succumbs
310 4st investigates some crimes, gives Murphy 100+ blots
311 Kate questions 310 (conditional false because 276)
312 Janet CoEs distribution of TEiN
313 Janet CoEs distribution of TEiSN
314 Janet CoEs distribution of TEiKN
315 snail denies Janet's CoEs
316 snail votes FOR TEiSN
317 snail votes FOR TEiN
318 snail votes FOR TEiKN
319 snail votes in elections
320 snail creates and distributes proposal "Bringing about Things" (same
as TEiKN) and "Bringing about MORE Things" (same as TEiN) and votes FOR both
321 snail objects to some stuff
322 Janet votes AGAINST BaT and BaMT
323 Janet votes AGAINST proposals distributed by snail, and objects to
intents from snail kiako 4st
324 kiako resolves TEiN (4st kiako snail FOR, Kate Janet AGAINST, but
Janet has voting strength 0 due to blots, so it passes)
325 snail exercises eir dictatorship (Janet Kate nix gain 100 blots,
alter rule "Public Speaking", repeal Rule 1698)
326 snail exercises eir dictatorship (repeal Rule 101, create 13 rules,
destroy all decisions, snail kiako 4st succumb 7 times each)
327 snail exercises eir dictatorship (create rule)
328 snail submits proposal "Just in case" (create 13 rules, 4st wins
four times), exercises eir dictatorship (gain and use Power Stone and
Recursion Stone, text of "Just in case")
329 no actions
330 Janet objects to 329
331 Kate resolves Assessor election (Janet, 3 to 2 to 1)
332 Janet resolves RotM v2 (Kate Janet Murphy FOR, snail kiako 4st
AGAINST, passes but without explaining why)
333 Kate exercises eir dictatorship (destroy all blots)
334 Kate exercises eir dictatorship (ban snail kiako 4st Yachay)
335 Kate exercises eir dictatorship (Kate wins one billion times)
336 CoE of stuff meant for Agora
337 Kate CoEs resolution of TEiN
338 Janet CoEs distribution of TEiN
339 Janet CoEs distribution of TEiSN
340 Janet CoEs distribution of TEiKN
341 Janet CoEs distribution of BaT and BaMT
342 Kate intends to exercise eir dictatorship (create a rule, Kate CAN
win by announcement)
343 Janet objects to intents from kiako 4st snail, votes AGAINST
proposals not distributed by Kate
344 Janet objects to intents not from Kate or emself
345 4st votes FOR all proposals, gives power of attorney to snail
346 4st CoEs resolution of RotM v2
347 Janet denies 346
348 4st CoEs 333
349 4st CoEs 334
350 4st denies effectiveness of 335
351 4st CoEs resolution of RotM v2
352 Janet resolves RotM v2 (same as 332)
353 Janet denies 351
354 4st reiterates a CoE
355 Janet denies 354
356 4st CoEs 352
357 Janet denies 356
358 4st CoEs all Janet's documents, submits a CFJ to the referee and
allegedly judges it
359 Janet denies 358
360 Kate assigns 4st's CFJ to Janet
361 4st accepts 338
362 4st accepts 339
363 Kate cites Rule 2246 and assigns 4st's CFJ to Janet
364 4st accepts 340
365 4st accepts Janet's denial of 338
366 4st investigates 287, gives Janet 100+ blots and exiles em
367 snail ratifies blots from 257
368 4st investigates 287, gives Janet 100+ blots and exiles em
369 snail intends (with 7 days notice) to exile Janet, nix, Murphy, Kate
370 snail exercises eir dictatorship (kiako becomes Assessor and
succumbs 7 times)
371 snail exercises eir dictatorship (create a rule)
372 Janet CoEs 338
373 Kate repeats 334
374 Kate exercises eir dictatorship (if there are <132 rules, create
one) 14 times
375 4st CoEs Janet's last week of reports
376 Janet votes AGAINST everything, objects to intents not from Kate or
377 4st questions whether Janet was deregistered
378 Janet registers and repeats 376
379 Janet deputises as Registrar to publish report, submits Cantus Cygneus
380 Janet processes eir own Cantus Cygneus
381 Kate CoEs 379 (4st snail Yachay banned)
382 Janet admits 381
383 Janet processes eir own Cantus Cygneus
384 Tailor report announcing the Festivity scam, but not its point of origin
385 Kate flips Festivity to 0
386 Kate points out the hidden sentence from 230