On 11/26/23 15:47, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion wrote:
> Janet wrote:
>> To address some of the holes that befell Agoran't:
>> {
>> Add (somewhere? enact a new rule? at power 2 or 3?):
>> {
>> A Rule that purports to designate an action as "unforceable" thereby
>> designates that a player NEED NOT comply with any provision of any Rule
>> that requires or forbids em from performing or refraining from
>> performing that action, unless the provision merely requires em to abide
>> by an agreement to which e has consented.
>> Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the following actions are
>> unforceable:
>> * Tabling an intent
>> * Becoming or ceasing to be a supporter or objector to an intent.
>> * Initiating, voting on, or resolving an Agoran decision.
>> * Submitting or distributing a proposal.
>> }
>> }
> I would add withdrawing votes.
> Would this prevent the Promotor/Assessor from being dinged for failing
> to distribute/resolve proposals in a timely fashion? Maybe add another
> exception for "merely requires em to perform the duties of an office
> which e holds based on eir prior consent, such as becoming a candidate
> or deputising".

Ooh, very good point, thank you!

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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