Janet wrote:

To address some of the holes that befell Agoran't:


Add (somewhere? enact a new rule? at power 2 or 3?):


A Rule that purports to designate an action as "unforceable" thereby
designates that a player NEED NOT comply with any provision of any Rule
that requires or forbids em from performing or refraining from
performing that action, unless the provision merely requires em to abide
by an agreement to which e has consented.

Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the following actions are

* Tabling an intent

* Becoming or ceasing to be a supporter or objector to an intent.

* Initiating, voting on, or resolving an Agoran decision.

* Submitting or distributing a proposal.



I would add withdrawing votes.

Would this prevent the Promotor/Assessor from being dinged for failing
to distribute/resolve proposals in a timely fashion? Maybe add another
exception for "merely requires em to perform the duties of an office
which e holds based on eir prior consent, such as becoming a candidate
or deputising".

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