On 11/8/23 23:01, 4st nomic via agora-business wrote: > And I'm a bit sensitive about it because I'm considering deregistering > again myself, and I'm just trying to collect evidence! That I apparently > need to prove I'm right. > > I'm also feeling generally othered by the game, like my ideas are extremely > consistently wrong, and I'm undeserving of any agoran rewards in any > fashion despite my efforts to the contrary.
FWIW, your name shows up in the FLR 21 times, and while that varies between things you wrote, cleanings, and co-authorship, it clearly shows you're having an impact on the rules. I appreciate your presence, even if I'm often opposed to your specific ideas; I don't intend it as a judgment of you. Aris already pointed out some reasons that experimental ideas don't pass; another one is that an idea that's "experimental" to one player might be "already done" to another, in part or whole; especially in a game with as long of a history as Agora. For the that reason and the ones Aris mentioned, I personally like experimenting with new ideas in Tournaments, or even in new nomics. In Agora I'm usually looking for something that looks very fleshed out already. There's also something to be said for the current lack of active economy and how that suppresses some experiments; when we have an economy and something like contracts, we often have some experiments happening in the contracts. The fact that they can use assets that are valuable elsewhere encourages buy-in, but being in a contract means they only impact the people interested. The early days of Sets had quite a few interesting ideas in contracts, some with more success than others. > > I'd Cantus cygnus if i didn't have a chance at one! Win, after years of > playing. Is that worth it to anyone? Not that Cantus cygnus actually > matters or are taken seriously, the Archives have shown that they're > somewhat of a joke or just for angrying about tech problems. This is a weird quirk of CCs. Some are silly, but some of them are quite serious. A few of them have led to major reforms to address the concerns they bring up. -- nix