On 5/26/23 14:01, Janet Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:
>> Let's break down the statement: "A Rice Plan has an active player's
>> Signature as long as that player is consenting to it." What is "it" in this
>> situation? Is "it" an action or non-action?
>> This can be read a few ways: the first way is that "it" is "that Rice
>> Plan." This would result in a weird case where a player consents to a
>> non-action (an asset). In real life, we do not consent to non-actions, so
>> I'm thinking that this is unreasonable to assume.
>> The second way is that "it" is "that Rice Plan having that player's
>> Signature." This makes more sense: an asset obtaining a property is an
>> action. Being reasonable Agorans, I find that this reading is more
>> appropriate. This also makes sense in the context of the rules: rule 2519
>> provides a definition for consent we can apply to this situation.
> Rice Plans are not asset.
> I disagree with this construction of "it". To me, "it" clearly refers to
> the Rice Plan. If the author meant the consent to refer to "having eir
> Signature on it", e could have written "as long as that player so
> consents" or "as long as that player consents to that state of affairs".
> Even if it doesn't refer to the plan, "having one's signature on a Rice
> Plan" is a continuous property. "One's signature being placed on a Rice
> Plan" is an action, but is contradictory with the clearly intended
> continuous evaluation.

Further evidence that "it" refers to the plan: the vast majority of
players tried to consent to plans without mentioning signatures at least
once (and there were no challenges on this basis).

A list of all purported consents follows. Of those:

* Yachay consistently used "consent to having signature"

* juan had one "consent to the plan", then one "consent to having signature"

* Beokirby had one "consent to the plan", then one "consent to being
signatory" (over several contract amendments)

* Janet, snail, inalienableWright, 4st, ais523 consistently used only
"consent to the plan".


> I create a Rice Plan with the following attributes:
> * Rice Up: [Janet]
> * Rice Down: []
> I consent to the above Rice Plan.


> I create the following Rice Plan:
> {
> Rice Up: [4st, beokirby, blob, inalienableWright, nix, snail, Yachay]
> Rice Down: [Aspen, ais523, cuddlybanana, G., Janet, juan, Murphy]
> }
> I create the following contract:
> {
> Parties to this contract consent to all Rice Plans with snail in the Rice
> Up list.


> I consent to that Rice Plan having my Signature.


> I create and consent to the following rice plan.
> [
> Rice Up: [inalienableWright, beokirby, blob]
> Rice Down: [ ]
> ]


> On 2023-05-19 1:33 AM, Katie Davenport via agora-business wrote:
>> I create and consent to the following rice plan.
>> [
>> Rice Up: [inalienableWright, beokirby, blob]
>> Rice Down: [ ]
>> ]
>> -inalienableWright (Katie)
> ttttpf
> I consent to this rice plan


> I consent to, create, and become a party to a contract entitled "Lazy
> rice planning" with the following text:
> {
> Each party to this contract consents to each rice plan with Janet in its
> rice up list.
> }


> I create and consent to the following Rice Plan:
> Rice Up: []
> Rice Down: []


> On 5/19/23 14:56, juan via agora-business wrote:
>> I create and consent to the following Rice Plan:
>> Rice Up: []
>> Rice Down: []
> I consent to the above rice plan.

4st (DIS):

> On Fri, May 19, 2023 at 11:57 AM Janet Cobb via agora-business <
> agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> On 5/19/23 14:56, juan via agora-business wrote:
>>> I create and consent to the following Rice Plan:
>>> Rice Up: []
>>> Rice Down: []
>> I consent to the above rice plan.
>> --
>> Janet Cobb
>> Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason
> I also consent to this rice plan.


> On Fri, 2023-05-19 at 15:56 -0300, juan via agora-business wrote:
>> I create and consent to the following Rice Plan:
>> Rice Up: []
>> Rice Down: []
> I consent to this Rice Plan.


> I consent to all rice plans that have my player in the Rice Up list and do
> not have my player in the Rice Down list. I also consent to all rice plans
> that have no players in the Rice Up list and I am not in the Rice Down list.
> (Consent is different than intent, so this is forward looking, so I have
> now played the rice game for as long as I am active.)


> I create this Rice Plan:
> Rice Up: {4st, beokirby, blob, inalienableWright, nix, snail, Yachay}
> Rice Down: {Aspen, ais523, cuddlybanana, G., Janet, juan, Murphy}
> I consent to that Rice Plan having my Signature.*
> *This might not be possible, but I'm leaning towards that it is.


> I create and become party to the following contract:
> {
> Parties to this contract consent to be signatories to all Rice Plans 
> with beokirby in the Rice Up list
> }
> -Beokirby


> I amend this contract from the above to:
> {
> Parties to this contract consent to be signatories to all Rice Plans
> with beokirby in the Rice Up list and which do not have beokirby in the 
> Rice Down list.
> }


> I amend the above contract from the above to:
> {
> Parties to this contract consent to be signatories to all Rice Plans 
> with beokirby in the Rice Up list and which do not have beokirby in the 
> Rice Down list, as long as a player with more Rice than beokirby is not 
> also in the Rice Up list.
> }


> I create the following Rice Plan:
> {
> Up Rice: {Aspen, G., Janet, Murphy, ais523, cuddlybanana, juan}
> Down Rice: {4st, beokirby, blob, iWright, nix, snail, Yachay}
> }
> and consent to having my signature put in it.


> Disclaimer: whether the below consent is effective is the subject of an
> active CFJ.
> I create and consent to the following rice plan:
> * Rice Up: []
> * Rice Down: []


> On Fri, 2023-05-26 at 14:50 -0400, Janet Cobb via agora-business wrote:
>> Disclaimer: whether the below consent is effective is the subject of
>> an active CFJ.
>> I create and consent to the following rice plan:
>> * Rice Up: []
>> * Rice Down: []
> I consent to this rice plan.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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