On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 11:01 AM Janet Cobb via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > Now, it is sufficient to determine whether "that Rice Plan having that
> > player's Signature" is an action or not. I'd say that it is a regulated
> > action, fitting all three criteria for regulated actions: the rules have
> > said how it occurs, whether it succeeds, and it affects gamestate the
> > Ricemastor must track.
> Again, it's not an action, it's a property or a state of affairs.

I disagree here.  The judgement could wordsmith this critical point a
bit better, but it's perfectly reasonable within the bounds of the
rule text and common sense to say that going from "not having a
signature" to "having a signature" is a change (an action) that
happens with consent.


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