- I like the Focuses idea.
- I think you'd really just want to use your Stamps to win rather than
anything else. Maybe instead you can only Focus on something if you have
the right Stamp or combination of Stamps in your possession? For example,
something like: Voting Focus [Requirement: Ownership of 3 or more different
Stamps], Justice Focus [Requirement: Ownership of a Stamp type that only up
to 2 other players have]; etc

On Friday, May 19, 2023, nix via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> On 5/19/23 11:50, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
>> I'd much rather take the route of trying to get the Radiance/Stamps
>> system functional again, than of trying to repeal it. (Stamps in
>> particular are one of the most powerful "new player perks" we've seen,
>> and I suspect that that's a good thing.) I'd especially be against
>> repealing it without a replacement.
> I do somewhat regret the *full* repeal we did, tho it was an interesting
> experiment (that got my a Silver Quill). I've been trying to be more hands
> off with economic writing because I want to see other ideas (and I've
> written two of the recent ones), but I have had some ideas floating around
> that would at least incorporate Stamps. The idea is basically:
> * replace dreams with focuses, and have 3 or 4 focuses. Something like
> Voting, Proposing, etc.
> * each stamp type inherits a focus from the person it's minted by, with
> stamps belonging to non-players being wildcards for focus
> * players automatically get stamps of eir type, maybe at a rate similar
> wealth dream (2 when there's less than 8 total of your type, 1 when there's
> less than 16 total, 0 otherwise)
> * cash stamps in sets, where each stamp in the set is of the same class
> (or wildcard) to get the associated bonus. Cash voting stamps and get a
> voting power increase, cash proposing stamps and get the ability to pend X
> proposals. Scale it to large payouts for larger cashing sets, and also
> larger payouts for the number of *different* stamps used.
> --
> nix
> Prime Minister, Herald

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