ais523 wrote:

What rules-defined effect does that have? Rule 2350 talks about both
"creating" and "submitting" proposals, with almost everything caring
about the creation rather than the submission. It also explicitly gives
a mechanism for doing the creation, but there's no mechanism available
for doing the submission. I can see two plausible readings:

a) For proposals, "create" and "submit" are synonyms.

b) "Creating" and "submitting" a proposal are two different actions,
the latter action being impossible because there's no mechanism to
perform it.

If "submitting" is a different action, then it may be interpreted as
unregulated and thus possible. (The rules regulate e.g. submitting
ballots, but don't regulate "submitting" proposals, at least not using
that exact word; they just react by assigning ownership.) But how can
you submit a proposal that is neither previously created, nor created
by the act of submission? So I agree with a), as you did.

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