On Wed, 2022-04-06 at 00:25 +0200, nethack4.org dicebot via agora- business wrote: > This is an automated selection of a random rule from Agora's ruleset, > as part of the Mad Engineer's weekly duties. > Randomizing from 153 rules.
[Thanks to Jason for letting me (and the dicebot) know where to find the latest FLR.] > The dice roll was: 48 > This is R2154, Election Procedure. For reference: {{{ When an election is initiated, it enters the nomination period, which lasts for 4 days. After an election is initiated and until nominations close, any player CAN become a candidate by announcement. A candidate ceases to be a candidate if e ceases to be a player during the election or if holding the office would make em Overpowered. During the nomination period, a candidate CAN cease to be a candidate by announcement if there is at least one other candidate. An election whose nomination period is complete is contested if it has two or more candidates, and uncontested otherwise. Nominations close at the end of the poll's voting period or when the election is ended, whichever comes first. After the nomination period ends, the ADoP (or, if the office is the ADoP, the Assessor) CAN and, in a timely fashion, SHALL: 1) If the election is contested, initiate an Agoran decision to select the winner of the election (the poll). For this decision, the Vote Collector is the ADoP (or, if the office is the ADoP, the Assessor), the valid options are the candidates for that election (including those who become candidates after its initiation), and the voting method is instant runoff. When the poll is resolved, its outcome, if a player, wins the election. If the outcome is not a player, the election ends with no winner. 2) If POSSIBLE per the following paragraph, end the election immediately. If at any point an uncontested election has a single candidate, then any player CAN by announcement declare em the winner of the election, thereby causing em to win the election. If at any point an uncontested election has no candidates, then any player CAN declare the election ended with no winner by announcement. When a player wins an election, e is installed into the associated office and the election ends. }}} Any suggestions? There are a lot of sentences to choose from! -- ais523 Mad Engineer