On 1/30/2022 4:02 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:
> Next, let's consider the case of a single player who is not grok. 
> 1. Ratify without objection that "grok is a player." Grok has registered
> multiple times, and eir most recent registration was ended by
> deregistration for inactivity. 
This judgement has a really interesting reductio.  It requires the
existence of persons who abandoned the game without revoking consent (a
grep of the Registrar's monthly turns up 185 such abandonments though some
have since re-registered - anyway, plenty).

But let's suppose that we reach out to every former player and ask if they
want to opt out of being drafted by publishing "I withdraw consent to
play".  And let's say all of them do so.

The interesting bit is that the last person (if we could prove e was the
last) would be blocked from doing so, because that would ossify Agora.
That means Agora is defended from ossification by the combination of one
current player (who can't deregister) AND one former player who can't ever
withdraw consent to be made into a player if needed.  That former player
may be the most mousetrapped person ever in terms of Agora, because the
current player can ratify/manipulate the former player's status freely,
more or less.

So by explicitly protecting all persons from being drafted into playing
agora against their will, in combination with the quorum/ossification
issue, we've created a hypothetical permanent prisoner of the game.


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