The following is a proto-contract allowing someone (potentially withdrawn) to bid on behalf of some other party so that they can continue as if nothing happened. It's complex legalese and this is basically my first draft, so I'd love to hear criticisms.
And just so we're clear, I probably won't be implementing this. It's mostly a thought experiment at this point. ====== There can be at most two parties to this contract. The person who created this contract is the bidder" and the other member is the proxy. This contract has a target auction, which is the First Victory Auction of July 2021. If there is no proxy, then any player CAN join the contract, and in the same message transfer from the bidder to emself 100 coins. Attempts to join this contract when there is a proxy is INEFFECTIVE. This contract authorizes the bidder to act on behalf of the proxy to bid on the target auction, provided that the bidder has enough of the target auction's currency to pay for the lot should the proxy win it. It also authorizes the bidder to act on behalf of the proxy to withdraw from the target auction. During the target auction's retrieval phase, if the proxy would be an awardee of the auction if funded, then the bidder SHALL transfer a number of coins to the proxy equal to the amount to be paid by the proxy for the auction if funded. After the prizes are distributed for the target auction, if the proxy recieved a lot, then the bidder CAN act on eir behalf to transfer the items associated with that lot from the proxy to emself. If the proxy did not recieve a lot, then the bidder CAN act on eir behalf to transfer their bid back to emself. The proxy SHALL NOT transfer or destroy anything the bidder has transferred to them for the purposes of bidding; nor SHALL e transfer or destroy anything e recieved as a lot from the target auction. Neither party can leave this contract until: * the proxy is withdrawn from the target auction, OR * the target auction has finished, the proxy did not receive any lots, and the bidder has recieved eir bid back, OR * the target auction has finished, the proxy received a number of lots, and the bidder has transferred eir lots from the proxy. -- Trigon ¸¸.•*¨*• Play AGORA QUEST I’m always happy to become a party to contracts. I LOVE SPAGHETTI transfer Jason one coin nch was here I hereby don't... trust... the dragon... don't... trust... the dragon... Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this