i actually genuinely think that the proposal i created is probably the best
fix for this, it means you can certify a proposal but you accept the risk
of a massive fine (and that fine will be nominal if it's actually,
manifestly, incredibly necessary or whatever)

On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 11:45 AM Aris Merchant via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I think we need a free way of pending patch proposals. The voters appear to
> agree with me. I know some prominent and respected voices disagree, but the
> proposal passed, so clearly public sentiment presently favors something
> along these lines.
> However, the mechanism I proposed might have been messy. There are
> alternative ideas that would cause fewer CFJs. This gets a bit logistically
> interesting though because it's preferable for any such mechanism to be a)
> fast, and b) discourage abuse. Unfortunately, those things go against each
> other. This is why I suggested a criminal mechanism, which punishes abuse
> after the fact. The obvious alternative is a dependent action. 2 Agoran
> Consent works pretty well as a cure to abuse of anything. It also takes 4
> days, which is too long for patches IMO. That leaves with N support. The
> problem with actions taken with N support is that you've gotta pick a value
> of N that is high enough to stop a cabal of taking advantage of it and low
> enough to be easily achievable. That being said, something like with 5
> support backed by a SHOULD might do it.
> A final solution, which I'm tossing in mostly as a joke, would be to just
> take the once a week limitation off my emergency pending powers.
> Or, of course, we could just repeal it. A repeal does remove the problem,
> though at the cost of also removing a mechanism that we've collectively
> agreed is a good idea.
> Thoughts?
> -Aris

>From R. Lee

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