On 6/14/20 3:00 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-business wrote:

By Rule 2623/1, I earn one Legislative Card for the adoption of Proposal

Disclaimer:  the above action may fail.  I earned (or attempted to earn)
this last week under R2623/0, and probably succeeded, but R2623 was just
amended so I have never met the new criterion, and my Proposal 8407 was
adopted less than 7 days ago.  That may be the first CFJ that someone
might want to call.  Or maybe it's fine.

Second, can someone explain how this cycles/resets:

   The player who proposed the adopted proposal such that the decision on
whether to adopt it had the greatest popularity, among all such decisions
assessed in the last 7 days CAN once earn one Legislative Card by
announcement, provided that no decision on whether to adopt any proposal
distributed in the same message remains unresolved. If there is a tie, all
authors of the tied proposals can do so once each.

This seems to be broken when two proposal batches are resolved less than 7
days apart.  I mean, if I authored a unanimous proposal adopted in a batch
less than 7 days ago, and a new batch is assessed with a unanimous
proposal of mine, how exactly does that work for "once"?

Anyway, unclear to me but maybe someone else can parse it - or again,
maybe there's a CFJ to call.


I think this came up briefly in the thread discussing the double distribution, and what I recall was that we thought there was a window in which each could occur: the second window being between the end of the seven day period from the first resolution but before the end of the seven day period from the second.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Herald, Referee, Tailor, Pirate
Champion, Badge of the Great Agoran Revival, Badge of the Salted Earth

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