On 6/14/2020 1:53 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote:

On 6/14/2020 10:39 AM, Jason Cobb via agora-official wrote:

Since we're talking about reporting and usage, can I mention (with great
appreciation for the work of Assessor) that the lack of a quick summary
table of this report makes both current reading and historical research
particularly difficult?

I go back to old assessor's reports frequently and having to scroll a lot
to find out if I'm in the right place really slows the research.

Even if it's a simple list that says: "Proposal #"  "Title"
"ADOPTED/REJECTED" (with no vote counts or fancy table) it would be really
handy to have up top.

Agreed. That would be nice.

future notary here :)

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