On 6/11/2020 2:15 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote:
On 6/11/2020 10:55 AM, James Cook via agora-discussion wrote:
When an Arbitration Case is unassigned, the Head Arbitrator CAN by
announcement, and SHALL in a timely fashion, flip its Arbitrator to any
other value. The Arbitrator SHALL NOT assign an Arbitration Case to a
person who has a manifest interest in the case, whether monetary or
This puts the Arbitrator in a tough spot if everyone has an interest.
(I think it was mentioned equity cases in the past had a problem where
almost everyone had an interest.)
What is the advantage of arbitration by contract over just having the
Referee / CFJ system handle things?
Referee (or perhaps better, Notary) hasn't been tried and would be really
interesting to do IMO. But that could easily be private contract, too.
future Notary here, I would definitely be interested in this.