Changes: Incorporated ais523's suggestions. Text and AI of a proposal are
explicitly protected from changes now, and used eir suggested "CAN... SHALL
NOT" phrasing for distributing proposals.
I submit the following proposal:
Title: Sets v1.4
Author: nch
Co-Authors: Trigon, Falsifian, PSS, Jason, Aris, G., ais523
AI: 3
Enact a new Power=1 rule titled "Cards & Sets" with the text:
Cards are a type of currency with a corresponding Product.
Products are also currencies. The types of Cards and their
corresponding Products are:
* Victory Cards and Victory Points.
* Justice Cards and Blot-B-Gones
* Legislative Cards and Pendants
* Voting Cards and Extra Votes
A player CAN pay a 'set' of X Cards of the same type to earn Y
corresponding Products. The value of X determines the value of Y
in the following ways:
* 1 Card = 1 Product
* 2 Cards = 3 Products
* 3 Cards = 6 Products
* 4 Cards = 10 Products
A player CANNOT pay more than 4 Cards as one 'set'.
Cards and Products are tracked by the Treasuror.
For each player that is not a zombie, grant em 1 card of each type.
[The core of this proposal. Collect cards to make the other assets.]
Amend rule 2499 "Welcome Packages" by replacing:
When a player receives a Welcome Package, e earns 10 coins.
When a player receives a Welcome Package, e earns 10 coins and
one of each type of Card defined in the rules.
[Simple Welcome package addition]
Amend rule 2483 "Economics" by removing the following line:
A player CAN win the game by paying a fee of 1,000 Coins.
[Ultimately counter to an economy where we want constant trading and
asset movement.]
Enact a new Power=1 rule titled "VP Wins" with the following text:
If a player has at least 20 more Victory Points than any other
player, e CAN win by announcement. When a player wins this way,
all Cards and all Products are destroyed. Then each non-zombie
player is granted 1 card of each type.
[Exactly what it says on the tin.]
Amend rule 2555 "Blots" by replacing the following paragraph:
If a person (the penitent) has neither gained blots nor had more
than 2 blots expunged from emself in the current Agoran week, then
any player (the confessor) who has not, by this mechanism,
expunged any blots in the current Agoran week CAN expunge 1 blot
from the penitent, by announcement.
Any player CAN expunge a blot from a specified person (or emself
if no one is specified) by paying a fee of one Blot-B-Gone.
[Pretty straightforward, now you need to use Blot-B-Gones to get rid of
Blots (except for the fugitive decay, I left that in).]
Amend rule 2350 "Proposals" by replacing:
Creating a proposal adds it to the Proposal Pool. Once a proposal
is created, neither its text nor any of the aforementioned
attributes can be changed. The author (syn. proposer) of a
proposal is the person who submitted it.
Creating a proposal adds it to the Proposal Pool. Once a proposal
is created, its text, author, and AI cannot be changed. The author
(syn. proposer) of a proposal is the person who submitted it.
[I moved all the pending stuff out of here, but still modified the
language to allow the co-author mechanic.]
Create a new Power=1 rule titled "Pending Proposals" with the following
Pended is a negative boolean proposal switch tracked by the
Promotor. Any player CAN pay 1 Pendant to flip the Pended switch
of a specified proposal to True. If the player did not create the
proposal and is not listed in the list of co-authors of the
proposal, e is added to the list of co-authors.
The Promotor CAN, once a week and with 2 support, flip the Pended
switch of a proposal in the Proposal Pool to True. E SHOULD NOT do
so if the author of the proposal has at least one Pendant or
Legislative Card.
A proposal with a Pended switch set to True is 'pending'.
[Basically pending is a separate mechanic from the Pool, so that it
interferes with long standing rules about the pool much less.]
Amend 1607 Distribution by replacing:
The Promotor CAN distribute a proposal which is in the Proposal
Pool at any time.
In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL distribute each
proposal that was in the Proposal Pool at the beginning of that
week, except for those excepted from automatic distribution by
other rules, or those that are otherwise removed from the Pool.
The Promotor CAN distribute a proposal which is in the Proposal
Pool at any time, but SHALL NOT do so unless it is pending.
In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL distribute each
pending proposal that was in the Proposal Pool at the beginning
of that week, except for those excepted from automatic
distribution by other rules, or those that are otherwise removed
from the Pool.
If a proposal has been in the proposal pool for more than 7 days
and is not pending, the Promotor CAN and SHOULD remove it from the
Pool by announcement.
[This looks long but the actual changes are small. Basically where it
says someone can distribute a proposal it now specifies a pending
proposal. Also adds a way to clear out proposals nobody ever pended.]
Amend rule 2422 "Voting Strength" by adding:
A player CAN Buy Strength by paying 1 Extra Vote and specifying a
current Agoran decision on which e is a voter. For each time a
player has Bought Strength on a decision, eir voting strength is 1
greater on that decision. A player CANNOT Buy Strength for the
same decision more than 3 times.
[Inserting this in 2422 is a little wonky, but there's no issues with it
afaik. I might proposal a somewhat cleaner solution later.]
Create a new Power=1 rule titled "Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege"
with the following text:
The player who proposed the proposal with the greatest F/A, as
defined in rule 955, among all proposals assessed in the last 7
days CAN once earn one Legislative Card by announcement. If there
is a tie, all authors of the tied proposals may do so once each.
[This introduces 4 (or more!) Legislative Cards per month. My math says
that this, along with the 6 that can be created by officers should be
enough. But time will tell for sure.]
Create a new Power=1 rule titled "Card Administration" with the
following text:
Justice Cards are associated with the Ministry of Justice.
Legislative Cards are associated with the Ministry of Legislation.
Voting Cards are associated with the ministry of Participation.
An officer CAN, once per month and by announcement, grant another
player a specified type of card under the following conditions:
* the officer holds at least one office with the Card's associated
ministry in its interests,
* the player receiving the Card does not hold an office with the
Card's associated ministry in its interests, AND
* the player receiving the Card is not a zombie.
[I like this system a lot but I note the PM and Speaker can't receive
cards this way. I'm open to patches but I think they'll likely be able
to trade the cards they can create for the ones they need, so I'm not
immediately concerned.]
Flip the Pended switch of every proposal in the proposal pool to True.