On 2020-05-22 08:22, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
As far as I see it, there's two main options right now:

1) Rewrite the auction [the faithful option]

2) Remove it, leaving no way to get victory cards until a new proposal is
passed [the easier option]

I do not think just leaving it out is ever a really great option. I've had this mentality in the past and, I'll be honest, I rarely get around to putting the new mechanics back in; and when I do, it just lags behind the rest of the game and feels tacked on.

The thought that occurred to me recently that prompted me to post on this thread was that perhaps there could be a transmutation system. For example, exchange 3 of one type of card and gain one of another. This could also be a useful mechanic later (i.e. when one card isn't as valuable as another due to supply/demand) as well as offering a method of gaining Victory Points earlier on.


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