PSS wrote:
I've rewritten parts of it in response to the various feedback provided. The portion that I have the most concern about is the clause that I added to account for change in office holders over time. I would also appreciate any other feedback as I would would like this to make the next distribution.
The Judge of an Indictment is the Arbitor, unless the Arbitor is the investigator or perp, in which case the Judge is the Speaker, unless the Speaker and the Arbitor are the same person, in which case, the Judge is the Prime Minister. If at any time, the Judge of an Indictment would be the Investigator or the perpetrator, the Judge is reassigned according to the previous paragraph.
Seems like that would work fine for changes of office, but what if one or more of the offices is vacant? Suggested revision: The Judge of the Indictment is the first of the following players who is neither the investigator nor the perp: the Arbitor, the Speaker, the Prime Minister. If this still fails to specify a player, then the Indictment lacks a Judge until that changes.