On Wednesday, 20 May 2020, 13:47:34 GMT, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion 
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On 5/20/20 2:10 AM, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
>> Amend rule 2350 "Proposals" by replacing:
>> Creating a proposal adds it to the Proposal Pool.
>> with:
>> A player CAN add a proposal to the Proposal Pool by paying one Pendant.
> Maybe, just to appease the ossification gods in case something insane
> happens, there should be another method of pending a proposal?

Our standard is to make it possible but illegal for the Promotor to distribute
a proposal that hasn't been pended properly. It's important to check the rules
for proposal distribution (amending them if necessary) to ensure that that
property is met.

A simple alternative would be to allow the Promotor to unilaterally add one
proposal to the pool per week (as an "officer perk" that can also be used to
fix breakage).


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