On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 1:09 PM Nch via agora-discussion < agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> This might already be known but Blob's Thesis Archive [1] appears to have > left this realm. It was not captured on the wayback machine. Luckily, PSS > has captured all of the theses that were stored there [2]. In the future we > might consider creating a proper taskforce or office for ensuring record > preservation. In the meantime there's some steps we can autonomously take > to prevent something from being truly lost: > Thanks for considering this! This is something that is important to me and connects to other efforts in which I am involved. As for an office, I've always thought that it was well-suited for the Herald, but it could also be a temporary office under one of the schemes that was being proposed a while ago as it relates to the reportor. > * Consider downloading copies of documents and git repositories. More > copies means more chances of preservation. > I think this is definitely something that we should all be working on. The best way to do this is using wget. There is copious information about how to do this on the Internet, but if anyone needs help, I'd be happy to provide whatever assistance I can.