On 4/9/20 8:57 PM, Reuben Staley wrote:> I shall put a license on my
code as well. Probably a BSD or something
else very permissive, and probably not MIT because I do care a little
about attribution of the code. The problem is that everyone has slightly
different thoughts about modification, attribution, sharing under
different licenses, and whatnot. I think if we set a standard for
licensing, we ought to make it a suggestion rather than a rule.
Pursuant to my words yesterday, I have licensed my Cartographor and
Rulekeepor code under the BSD 3-Clause License. I understand this may
seem hasty and that some may be against this premature licensing;
however, I opine that it is rather important for at least the Rulekeepor
code to be licensed because Jason depends on my code for eir official
duties. If, at some point, we decide we should standardize our
licensing, I have no problem doing it over.