Here are three protos relating to the powers/duties of the Prime Minister.

First off there's "Executive Expansion", which tweaks the way that
Cabinet Orders work and adds several new ones. These are a combination
of powers that seem like they should be available to a head of
government and ones that are just fun. I will separate any of the
additions if they prove controversial.

Next there's "Specially Embargoed Entities", which allows the Prime
Minister to issue another new Cabinet Order. This one is separated
because it requires higher power, is more complex, and is likely more
controversial. The basic idea is to allow the Prime Minister to freeze
localized areas of the gamestate for a 48 hour period. The Prime
Minister can embargo an individual switch or asset, an Agoran
Decision, auctions, or really whatever they like (though embargoing
one's houseplant is unlikely to do much; see the proposal for detailed
effects of an embargo). This is designed so that it can be used to
effectuate fun and interesting scams. I'm very open to expanding this,
and fairly open to limiting it. I want something that can pass.

I should mention at this point that I have no particular plans for
using any of these, though I will if a situation comes up where one of
them is applicable.

Finally there's "10 Suber Street", which encourages the Prime Minister
to give addresses on high state occasions. If e fails to do so on some
specified occasions, e can be blotted. The intent is both to get
interesting speeches out of the PM and to have reminders of things
like the beginning of each quarter and Read the Ruleset Week.

Comments are, as always, welcome.

Title: Executive Expansion
Adoption index: 2.0
Author: Aris

Amend Rule 2451, "Executive Orders", to read in full:

  Once per week, except as otherwise forbidden by this rule, the
  current Prime Minister CAN issue a Cabinet Order by announcement
  to cause the effect specified by the order. The Prime Minister
  CANNOT issue the same executive order more than once in a month.

  The available Cabinet Orders are:

  - Allocation: The coin holdings of each entity are set, by creating or
    destroying coins, to total floor(P * k), where P is the previous number
    of coins held by that entity, and k is a specified rational number
    between 0.75 and 1.25 inclusive.

  - Certiorari: The Prime Minister assigns emself as judge
    of a specified open case.

  - Consultation: The Prime Minister enters a specified case, the current
    judgement of which was assigned within the past year, into Moot.

  - Dive: The Prime Minister levies a fine of 2 on a
    specified player. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the
    reason for the fine MAY be any grievance held by the Prime
    Minister, not necessarily a violation of the rules, against the
    person to whom the fine is levied.

  - Imprimatur: The Prime Minister acts on behalf of the vote collector
    of an Agoran Decision to resolve that decision.

  - Manifesto: The Prime Minister distributes a specified
    proposal in the Proposal Pool.

  - Pardon: N of a person's blots are expunged, where N is the number
    of blots e received from a specified fine. This power SHOULD be used
    only when extraordinary factors counsel in favor of clemency, and the
    and any further mention of the fine SHOULD include the fact that
    it has been pardoned.

  - Reshuffle: The Prime Minister initiates elections for a specified
    set of elected offices.

Title: Specially Embargoed Entities
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

If a proposal entitled "Executive Expansion" has been adopted in the last week,
amend Rule 2451, "Executive Orders", by inserting after the list item beginning
"Dive", the following new list item:
 "Embargo: For the next 48 hours, the specified entity is placed under embargo."

Otherwise, if a proposal entitled "Executive Expansion" is resolvable, but the
Assessor has not yet resolved it, glare pointedly at the Assessor and

Otherwise, amend Rule 2451, "Executive Orders", by inserting after the list
item beginning "Dive", the following new list item:
  "Embargo (Speaker): For the next 48 hours, the specified entity is placed
   under embargo."

Create a new power 3.0 rule, entitled "Embargoes", with the following text:
  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding:
  A.  An entity under embargo CANNOT
      1. become a party a contract;
      2. take any action the entity is able to take by virtue of being a party
         to any contract;
      3. bid in an auction;
      4. act on behalf of anyone;
      5. be transferred;
      6. be destroyed;
      7. be terminated;
      8. be distributed;
      9. be resolved; or
      10. be flipped, other than by defaulting to its default value;
  B. Each asset or switch instance belonging to an entity under embargo
     is itself under embargo;
  C. No auction can be initiated with an entity under embargo as Auctioneer
     or Announcer;
  D. Each instance of a class of asset or switch that is under embargo is
     itself under embargo;
  E. While an office is under embargo, the officer who holds it CANNOT exercise
     any of its powers and NEED NOT fulfill any of its duties;
  F. While a contract is under embargo, no portion of the contract is
     considered to be in its body; and
  G. An asset CANNOT be created if it would be under embargo immediately after
     its creation.

  Putting an entity under embargo is secured at power 2.0, and no entity can
  be under embargo more than 4 days in an Agoran Week. Rules and regulations
  cannot be under embargo.
Title: 10 Suber Street
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

Amend Rule 2423, "First Among Equals", by appending as a new paragraph:
  "The Prime Minister SHOULD deliver an address, which need not be
   particularly lengthy, formal, or serious, upon high state occasions,
   including Agora's Birthday, Read the Ruleset Week, Awards Month,
   and the first Eastman Week of each quarter. The Prime Minister SHOULD confer
   with the Speaker on the content of these addresses. The Prime Minister SHALL,
   at bare minimum, acknowledge the enumerated high state occasions while they
   are ongoing; failure to do so is the Class-1 Crime of Sincure-ing Too Hard."

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