On 2/9/2020 3:21 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:
> PROPOSAL 8317 (Zombie trade)
> FOR (5): Alexis%, Bernie, Gaelan, omd, twg&
> AGAINST (6): Aris, Falsifian$, G., Jason, Rance, o
> PRESENT (0): 
> AI (F/A): 21/19 (AI=1.0)

This one is very broken if its AI is 1 because it tries to modify a bunch
of power=2 rules.  In the distribution message, it is listed as AI-2 in
the top part:
> 8317e  Alexis                   2.0   Zombie trade

and AI-1 in the bottom part:

> ID: 8317
> Title: Zombie trade
> Adoption index: 1.0

I'm guessing it's really AI-2 (and thus fails completely?) because I doubt
the author would make that big a mistake (including creating a "new
power-2 Rule") but I could be wrong?

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