Because this is the first distribution with ministries (and my code probably contains bugs), here's a draft resolution. (I've already hand checked the voting strengths, bu I could have missed something).
RESOLUTION OF PROPOSALS 8308-8321 ================================= I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals. The quorum for all below decisions was 5. Voting Strengths ================ Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted. $: player has voting strength 4 %: player has voting strength 5 ^: player has voting strength 6 &: player has voting strength 7 PROPOSALS ========= PROPOSAL 8308 (Imposing order on the order) FOR (8): Aris, Bernie, Falsifian$, Gaelan, Jason, Rance, omd, twg AGAINST (1): Alexis PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 25/3 (AI=3.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 8309 (A Degree of Inefficiency) FOR (0): AGAINST (9): Alexis, Aris, Bernie, Falsifian$, Gaelan, Jason, Rance, omd, twg PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 0/28 (AI=3.0) OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 8310 (Deputisation timeliness) FOR (1): Gaelan AGAINST (4): Alexis, Falsifian$, Jason, Rance PRESENT (4): Aris, Bernie, omd, twg BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 3/13 (AI=3.0) OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 8311 (Rewards Patch & Equitable Remedy) FOR (9): Alexis%, Aris, Bernie, Falsifian$, Gaelan, Jason, Rance, omd, twg& AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 34/0 (AI=1.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 8312 (On Possibility) FOR (0): AGAINST (9): Alexis%, Aris, Bernie, Falsifian^, Gaelan, Jason%, Rance, omd, twg PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 0/34 (AI=1.0) OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 8313 (Support of the Person) FOR (3): Alexis, Falsifian$, Gaelan AGAINST (3): Aris, Bernie, twg PRESENT (3): Jason, Rance, omd BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 10/9 (AI=3.0) OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 8314 (Finite Gifting) FOR (9): Alexis%, Aris, Bernie, Falsifian$, Gaelan, Jason, Rance, omd, twg& AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 34/0 (AI=1.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 8315 (Clearer Resolutions) FOR (2): Alexis, Gaelan AGAINST (7): Aris, Bernie, Falsifian$, Jason, Rance, omd, twg PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 6/22 (AI=3.0) OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 8316 (Zombie voting package) FOR (2): Alexis, Gaelan AGAINST (7): Bernie, Falsifian$, G., Jason, Rance, o, twg PRESENT (2): Aris, omd BALLOTS: 11 AI (F/A): 6/22 (AI=3.0) OUTCOME: REJECTED PROPOSAL 8317 (Zombie trade) FOR (5): Alexis%, Bernie, Gaelan, omd, twg& AGAINST (6): Aris, Falsifian$, G., Jason, Rance, o PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 11 AI (F/A): 21/19 (AI=1.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 8318 (Notorial Economy) FOR (7): Aris, Bernie, Falsifian^, Gaelan, Jason%, Rance, twg AGAINST (1): Alexis% PRESENT (1): omd BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 26/5 (AI=1.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 8319 (Sergeant-at-Arms) FOR (9): Alexis%, Aris%, Bernie, Falsifian$, Gaelan, Jason&, Rance, omd, twg AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 36/0 (AI=2.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 8320 (Promotorial Assignment) FOR (9): Alexis%, Aris%, Bernie, Falsifian$, Gaelan, Jason&, Rance, omd, twg AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 36/0 (AI=2.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED PROPOSAL 8321 (Untying Quorum) FOR (8): Aris%, Bernie, Falsifian$, Gaelan, Jason&, Rance, omd, twg AGAINST (1): Alexis% PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 31/5 (AI=2.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8308 Title: Imposing order on the order Adoption index: 3.0 Author: Falsifian Co-authors: If Proposal 8291 has been passed, and Rule 2350 does not have the list item "* A chamber to which the proposal shall be assigned upon it creation.", add that list item to the end of the list. If the list item is present, but it is not at the end of the list, or it is unclear or otherwise difficult or impossible to determine where in the list it is, put it at the end of the list. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8311 Title: Rewards Patch & Equitable Remedy Adoption index: 1.0 Author: twg Co-authors: Amend Rule 2496, "Rewards", by replacing "CAN once" with "CAN once by announcement". Amend Rule 2602, "Glitter", by replacing "CAN once" with "CAN once by announcement". For the purposes of this proposal, the "recession" is defined as the period of time starting at 03:00 am UTC on 29th January 2020 and ending the instant before the adoption of this proposal. For each time a player met a reward condition during the recession, grant that player the assets associated with the reward condition, or if e is no longer a player, grant the same assets to the Lost and Found Department. For each time a player was awarded Glitter during the recession, grant that player a quantity of coins determined in the manner specified by Rule 2602, or if e is no longer a player, grant the same quantity to the Lost and Found Department. [This ensures no loss of coins, but shifts the responsibility for evaluating the missed rewards onto the Treasuror. Which is fair enough because it's mostly my fault. I say "mostly" because nobody else caught it in drafting either.] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8314 Title: Finite Gifting Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Aris Co-authors: Amend Rule 2585, Birthday Gifts, by changing the text "Every time it is a player's Agoran Birthday, each of the other players CAN grant em 3 coins by announcement." to read "Every time it is a player's Agoran Birthday, each of the other players CAN once grant em 3 coins by announcement." ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8317 Title: Zombie trade Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Aris Co-authors: [This proposal allows zombies to collect the fruits of their zombie auctions, and to allow players to voluntarily enter servitude. Yes, it does make buying a zombie a risky business!] Amend Rule 2483 (Economics) by replacing "Agora, players, and contracts" with "Agora, players, zombie trusts, and contracts". Amend Rule 2532 (Zombies) by: - appending "A player CAN, without 3 objections, flip eir own master switch to any other player. Other players SHOULD NOT object unless they believe that the intent is part of an attempt to flood Agora with the undead." - inserting "- flip eir master switch;" in the list after the first item - replacing "A zombie's master CAN flip that zombie's master switch to Agora by announcement." with "A zombie's master CAN flip that zombie's master switch to Agora or to any player who does not own any zombies by announcement."; and - replacing "resale value" with "integrity". Amend Rule 2574 (Zombie Life Cycle) by: - replacing the first two paragraphs with: { Any player CAN, with notice, putrefy player who has not made a public announcement in the past 60 days. When a player is putrefied: - if e is not a zombie, eir master switch is flipped to Agora; and then - eir integrity is set to 2. Integrity is a secured switch for zombies, tracked by the Registrar, with possible values of the natural numbers and "well-maintained" (default). If an integrity switch would be modified in a manner that assumes it is already a number, such as to increase or decrease it, such a modification leaves "well-maintained" as-is. Whenever a zombie's master switch is flipped from Agora to a player other than emself, eir integrity is decreased by 1. At the end of a zombie auction, every zombie that is an excess lot in that auction has eir integrity decreased by 1. }; - inserting "- if a zombie is master to another zombie, flipping the second zombie's master switch to Agora;" after the second item in the list; and - replacing "resale value" with "integrity" throughout the rule. Amend Rule 1885 (Zombie Auctions) by: - replacing "resale value" with "integrity"; - appending "When the winner of a zombie auction pays Agora to fulfill eir obligation to satisfy eir bid, the coins so transferred are immediately transferred into trust for the zombie." Create a new power-2 Rule entitled "Zombie Trusts": { Each zombie has a zombie trust, an entity referred to as the "<zombie name> Trust". To place assets "in trust" to a zombie is to transfer those assets to that zombie's trust, and similarly for other similar language. When an active player becomes a zombie, all of eir coins are transferred into eir zombie trust unless e flipped eir master switch emself and specified otherwise in the same message. Whenever a zombie becomes active, all coins held in trust for em are transferred to em immediately before eir trust ceases to exist. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8318 Title: Notorial Economy Adoption index: 1.0 Author: Aris Co-authors: If the Notary's Interest is the empty set, change it to [Economy]. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8319 Title: Sergeant-at-Arms Adoption index: 2.0 Author: Aris Co-authors: Amend the rule entitled "Ministries" by changing the text "Interest is an office switch" to read "Interest is secured office switch". Amend the rule entitled "Proposal Classes" by changing the text "an untracked Class switch" to read "a secured untracked Class switch". Amend the rule entitled "Proposal Chambers" by changing the text "Chamber is an untracked ordinary proposal switch" to read "Chamber is a secured untracked ordinary proposal switch". [As is, a power 1 proposal can flip interest, giving a certain officer infinite votes. This potentially allows for escalation of a power 1 dictatorship. The others are secured out of an abundance of caution.] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8320 Title: Promotorial Assignment Adoption index: 2.0 Author: Aris Co-authors: Amend the rule entitled "Proposal Chambers" by adding the text "If a proposal in the Proposal Pool has its chamber unset, the Promotor CAN set the chamber to a specified ministry by announcement." at the beginning of the last paragraph. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8321 Title: Untying Quorum Adoption index: 2.0 Author: Aris Co-authors: Amend Rule 879, "Quorum", by deleting the text "(breaking ties upward)". [This has been bothering me for ages; I added this, but ties are impossible with a 2/3, so this is just confusing (and has lead to confusion on at least one proposal).] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -- Jason Cobb