> On Feb 9, 2020, at 3:06 PM, Edward Murphy via agora-discussion 
> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> Proto-Proposal: Standard Model of Agoran Economics
> (AI = 2)
> [Reintroduce diversification of currencies. Probably needs tweaking.]
> Amend Rule 2483 (Economics) to read:
>      The following are currencies, tracked by the Treasuror. They can
>      be owned by Agora, players, and contracts.
>        * Up coins
>        * Down coins
>        * Strange coins
>        * Charm coins

I’ll have you know that I literally yelled out “YES!” as I read this list. It’s 
so perfectly Agoran.


>      Charm coins are the official currency of Agora. The others are
>      semi-official currencies of Agora.
>      A player CAN gain a number of a non-Charm type of coin by paying a
>      fee of an equal number of Charm coins.
>      A player CAN win the game by paying a fee containing at least one
>      of each type of Coin, with the smallest amount equal to at least
>      half the largest amount, and totaling at least 1,000.
> Amend Rule 2496 (Rewards) by replacing "coins" as follows:
>      (first section) "Up coins"
>      (second section) "Strange coins"
>      (third and fourth sections) "Down coins"
>      (fifth section) "Charm coins"
> Amend Rule 2559 (Paydays) by replacing "coins" as follows:
>      (first section) "Charm coins"
>      (second section) "Down coins"
> then by inserting this as the new first section, and renumbering the
> others accordingly:
>      1. Each entity with Charm coins has 1/N (rounded to the nearest
>         integer, breaking ties upward) of eir Charm coins destroyed,
>         where N is the number of semi-official currencies of Agora;
>         then
> Amend Rule 2499 (Welcome Packages), Rule 2585 (Birthday Gifts), and
> Rule 2602 (Glitter) by replacing "coins" with "Charm coins".
> Amend Rule 1885 (Zombie Auctions) by replacing this text:
>      The Registrar is the announcer,
> with this text:
>      The Registrar is the announcer, the currency is a semi-official
>      currency of Agora of eir choice,
> Each entity gains a number of Charm coins equal to the number of Coins
> it possessed immediately before this proposal was adopted.

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