On 1/14/2020 9:45 AM, Alexis Hunt via agora-business wrote:
> Actually, on a further look, I'm suspicious of this logic. Enough that I
> intend, with 2 support, to group-file a Motion to Reconsider this judgment
> (I will not resolve the intent if there's something I'm missing but would
> like to get the intent out there).
I'm happy to self-file, this is worthy of examination, but I'll leave it a
bit to see if other people want to contribute arguments via supporting the
There's other lines I started to go down - for example "the publication of
all such information is part of eir weekly duties" implies that publishing a
"report" one line at a time over a week works. This has been rejected by
CFJ IIRC but it would be good to remember why.
Recently, a question came up on whether the publication of a list of Rules
as part of the SLR implies that there are no other rules (e.g. switches say
"any switch not listed is at its default") but the SLR doesn't necessarily
say "there are no Rules other than these". We fixed that legislatively, but
that does highlight the fact that some of the non-self-ratifying reports may
have weird issues for which you can't imply general properties of all
reports by only looking at the properties of the ones that self-ratify.