This doesn’t really do all that much—default voting strength is 3 and max is 5, 
so it’s a little under a double vote. Maybe we need to increase the range of 
allowed voting strengths?


> On Jan 12, 2020, at 8:44 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-business 
> <> wrote:
> I submit the following proposal, "of what use honor", AI=2:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Create a Power=2 Rule, "Sacrifice", with the following text:
>      The Shogun CAN sacrifice eir honour by publishing a valid Notice
>      of Honour that decreases eir own honour by one, while in the
>      same message clearly specifying a decision to adopt a proposal
>      that is in its voting period.  The Shogun's voting strength is
>      on that decision is increased to its maximum possible within the
>      rules, provided the option identified on eir valid ballot on the
>      decision is AGAINST.
> [an emergency proposal stop, via a sacrifice of honour.]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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