On 1/11/2020 10:53 AM, Alexis Hunt wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Jan 2020 at 13:25, Jason Cobb  wrote:
>> I suppose. I was considering keeping them to try to bribe people, but
>> since they're pretty useless, that would be pointless. I perform the
>> following action 18 times: { If I have more than 1000 Coins, I pay a fee
>> of 1000 Coins to win the game. }.
> Possibly too late now, but I think this really shouldn't be (possibly) 18
> wins. I feel quite strongly on this point, since I believe that's more
> wins than I've had, and I've had to work hard to have the most instances
> of Champion.

Er, did you notice that the Scroll has this now:
                Spaaace  [...] Jason Cobb (x1000)
and this:
               Proposal [...] D. Margaux(x501)

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