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For the week 2019-12-30..2020-01-05:

# Voting

* Voting finishes on Proposals 8277-8279 (or possibly just 8278-8279 if
  Proposal 8277 was successfully distributed during the mailing list

# Scams and rules questions

* Gaelan submites an updated version of the precedence scam proposal e
  submitted last week. Thread: "[ATTN: promotor] ... Proposal:
  precedence scam?".

* Past player Alexis sends a message which may or may not cause em to
  be registered. Thread: "[RWO] List Patch (attn. Arbitor)".

# Mailing list trouble

Context: certain messages sent in December may have failed to be
delivered to a significant number of players, causing them to not count
as messages sent via a public forum. The uncertainty over whether this
is true and which messages it affects results in some uncertainty about
the current gamestate.

* H. Distributor omd reports an approximate chronology of the recent
  mailing list trouble, and describes measures e has taken to improve
  the situation. Among other things, e wrote some new code to notify
  non-subscribers when eir messages are rejected and disabled
  subscription via agora-<listname>-subscribe@ aliases. Thread:
  "Pinpointing end of list outage (was BUS: Might as well try)".

* Players work on "collapsing" the gamestate by sending messages that
  will cause parts of the gamestate to have known values, even if they
  were unknown before. Falsifian resigns as Prime Minister and the ADoP
  resolves any ongoing Prime Minister election as failed quorum, so e
  ADoP can unambiguously start an election. The ADoP appoints omd as
  Comptrollor. Falsifian announces intent to flip some Master switches
  and (barely into next week) withdraws a CFJ that might not exist. G.
  re-assigns CFJ 3783 from twg to omd if e hadn't already.

* Falsifian attempts to help resolve ambiguities in the gamestate by
  announcing intent to flip some master switches to Agora and
  announcing eir resignation as Prime Minister.

* Falsifian objects to Aris's attempt to resolve the gamestate
  ambiguity by ratifying retroactive changes to the status of the lists
  as public fora, arguing that it might not work as intended. Thread:
  "[RWO] List Patch".

  * Aris calls a CFJ about it, and argument follows.

  * Alexis indicates interest in judging the case.

* Falsifian submits (then revises) a proposal to fix some of the
  gamestate ambiguity piece-by-piece, instead of by retroactively
  ratifying that the messages in question were or were not sent via a
  public forum as the other attempts have done. Thread: "[Proposal]
  Let's do this the hard way."

* G. argues for ratifying that the messages in question happened,
  leading to discussion of the different approaches to resolve the
  gamestate ambiguities. Thread: "rant".

* Jason Cobb tries delivering an earlier message sent by Murphy to a
  public forum by forwarding it. Thread: "[dicelog] Selection of

# Miscellanous

* Jason Cobb publishes the first Full Logical Ruleset since October 15.

  * Ørjan points out a formatting issue Jason Cobb's reports had in the
    past has re-occurred.

* Discussion of the MUD Aris created continues in the thread "[MUD] New
  Agoran MUD".

* Aris's computer is in for repairs until about the end of the week; e
  won't be working on the MUD or publishing Promotor reports until
  then. Thread: "[MUD] New Agoran MUD".

* Gaelan creates a contract allowing others to act on eir behalf to
  perform actions when e accidentally sends them to a discussion forum
  instead of a public forum. Thread: "[Promotor] Distribution of
  Proposals 8277-8279".

* H. Arbitor G. does not plat to assign any CFJs before the holiday
  ends, and suggests we may want to return to "the old holiday rules"
  which presumably would suspend duties during the holidays. Thread:
  "[RWO] List Patch (attn. Arbitor)".

* twg joins the set of players who own at least 1000 Coins but have not
  used them to win the game under Rule 2483.

- Falsifian

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