On 1/7/20 6:10 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-discussion wrote: > (2) dividing the ruleset itself so that rule categories > are more binding, and rules precedence works as "category then power" > (e.g. any rule in the "economy" category has precedence over > "non-economy" category when it comes to coins; then within the economy > category you look at power, and the officer has some extra abilities > within their defining category).
I started drafting something for this a while back, but the wording is shoddy, incomplete, and too long. Here's the basic idea though: 1. Create a new type of Instrument called a "Module" (bikeshedding welcome). Each Module has a list of dependencies (with underpowered dependencies prohibited), and some other housekeeping stuff (like a title). 2. Give each Rule a switch, called Parent. The power of a rule's parent must be _less_ than the rule's power. This means that a Rule can have its effective power decreased to the power of a module, but never increased. 3. Create a special module called the Default Module with the lowest possible power and which depends on all modules. This is the default Parent for all Rules. The purpose of this is to allow migrating rules incrementally without breaking anything (at first). 4. (Wording very incomplete) Change R1030 and R217 to know about modules. Do you all like this concept, and is this something worth pursuing? If so, I'll make a revised draft public somewhere (probably on GitHub) and continue developing it. -- Jason Cobb