# Notable events

* G. ratifies the 2019-09-22 Herald's Monthly Report. Thread:
  "protective ratification".

* Nch wins the election for Tailor. It is uncontested.

* H. Herald G. announces intent to award an M.N. degree to Jason Cobb,
  after a discussion about which degree to award. Threads: "academic
  progressions", "Thesis award intent".

* Proposals 8253-8265 are resolved after further votes, except the H.
  Assessor finds the decisions on Proposals 8257 and 8259 were not

 * Gaelan submits some arguments in favour of eir Proposal 8259 in the
  discussion thread: "In defense of 8259".

 * Error discovered: two proposals were given the same number in the
   "full text" section.

 * G. alleges e sees an "angle" on the mysterious Proposal 8265, but
   eventually votes AGAINST.

* Incumbent G. initiates an election for Prime Minister.

* Voting begins on Proposals 8266-8274.

# Miscellaneous

* Our H. Distributor, omd, enables From: address rewriting on the
  mailing lists to fix DMARC issues. E had tried to do it before, but
  it didn't work. Thread: "ATTN omd / Distributor".

* There's some discussion on the distribution of Proposal 8265 possibly
  being obfuscated. Thread: "[Promotor] Distribution of Proposals

* omd submits a proposal which extends the self-ratification mechanism
  to include statements that aren't explicitly published, cleaning up
  Rules 107 and Rule 2034. This branched off from the
  obfuscated-prposals discussion. Thread: "two more proposals".

* Baron von Vaderham starts a discussion about timing and keeping track
  of the order of events. ais523 relates an interesting
  example. Thread: "banzai!".

* Jason Cobb attempts to auction off One Karma. Thread: "Who wants some

* Some discussion of the non-re-use of code when an office changes
  hand. Thread: "Proposal: Encouraging Democracy Through Capitalism or
  Who Pays Subs Full Wages Anyway".

* Some discussion of making things cost money. Thread: "Proposal:
  Encouraging Democracy Through Capitalism or Who Pays Subs Full Wages

* Murphy proposes requiring the author of a proposal to pay a fee
  before it is distributed if they want to earn a reward for its
  adoption. Thread: "Proposal: Interested proposals".

# Gaelan's prepararations to become Rulekeepor

* Gaelan, intending to become the next Rulekeepor, proposes some new
  editorial guidelines. Thread: "List Cleaning".

* Gaelan announces e is consedering working on an automatic proposal
  generator. Thread: "DIS: Proto: review period". (The thread started
  with a proposal to add a notice period for proposals.)

* Gaelan calls and omd judges CFJs 3777-8 asking for clarification
  about whitespace changes allowed by R2429 ("Bleach"). Threads: "BUS:
  CFJs on bleanch" and "BUS: 3777-8 judgement".

# Bugfixes

* G. proposes to add a missing method to R1367. Thread: "Thesis award

# Subgames and culture

* Nch publishes a proto for an economic game: The Carny.

- Falsifian

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