Votes inline. 


> On Oct 26, 2019, at 11:31 PM, Aris Merchant 
> <> wrote:
> I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
> Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
> pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
> quorum is 5, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
> options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
> conditional votes).
> ID     Author(s)                AI    Title
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 8253   Murphy, G., Jason Cobb   2.0   Clarify salary


> 8254   Jason Cobb               3.0   Anything is POSSIBLE


> 8255   Jason Cobb               3.0   Possibly-Indeterminate Switches


> 8256   Murphy, Gaelan           2.0   Yes, Prime Minister


> 8257   Murphy, Gaelan, G.       2.0   The Fat Director

CONDITIONAL: if proposal 8259 has been, or would be if resolved at the same 
time as 8257, resolved as ADOPTED, AGAINST. Otherwise, FOR. [my apologies to 
the H. assessor]

> 8258   Jason Cobb               2.0   Elections Fix


> 8259   Gaelan, Jason Cobb       1.0   [1]

ENDORSE the current ADoP, or FOR if there isn’t one or e doesn’t vote. [Thanks 
for bringing that up, Aris. I don’t think the load would be too big—most of the 
time, it should be nonexistent because we should still be patching rules to 
properly track their switches. The office created by this rule is intentionally 
imposed, so the only way for its holder to get rid of it is to fix the rule. 
Even if we do have some of these switches lying around for a bit, it’ll at most 
be an extra office or two to track, which doesn’t seem like much. That being 
said, I’ve never been ADoP, so I’m leaving this up to em.]

> 8260   G.                       1.0   The Low Zombie

AGAINST per Aris. 

> 8261   G.                       3.0   The High Zombie

FOR. Seems harmless enough. 

> 8262   G.                       1.0   trick candles

AGAINST per Aris

> 8263   nch                      3.0   Persistent


> 8264   nch                      1.0   [2]

AGAINST per earlier discussion 

> 8265   twg, [3]                 3.0   [4]


> [1] "Clean up your own mess, without making a bigger one"
> [2] "Encouraging Democracy Through Capitalism or Who Pays Subs Full
> Wages Anyway"
> [3] Murphy, Aris, Jason Cobb
> [4] The empty string, aka ""
> The proposal pool is currently empty.
> The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8253
> Title: Clarify salary
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Murphy
> Co-authors: G., Jason Cobb
> Amend Rule 2559 (Paydays) by replacing this text:
> 2. For each office, if a single player held that office for 16 or
> more days in the previous month and no unforgivable fines were
> levied on em for eir conduct in that office during that time,
> that player earns 5 coins.
> with this text:
> 2. For each office, if a single player held that office for 16 or
> more days in the previous month and no unforgivable fines were
> levied on em during that month for eir conduct in that office,
> that player earns 5 coins.
> [Legislates based on the judgement of CFJ 3774, but also covers edge
> cases like "do something in late September, get dinged for it in early
> October": you still earn your salary for September, but forfeit it for
> October. Covering corner cases like "exit office in early October,
> no October salary to forfeit, impose fine/debt against September salary"
> is left as an exercise for future proposal authors.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8254
> Title: Anything is POSSIBLE
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Jason Cobb
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2152 ("Mother, May I?") by replacing the text "CAN:" with the
> text "CAN, POSSIBLE:".
> ["POSSIBLE" is used in the Rules right now, but is never defined; this
> defines it.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8255
> Title: Possibly-Indeterminate Switches
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Jason Cobb
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2162 ("Switches") by replacing the paragraph beginning "If an
> action or set of actions" with the following:
> If a type of switch is not explicitly designated as
> possibly-indeterminate by the rule that defines it, and if an action
> or set of actions would cause the value of an instance of that type
> of switch to become indeterminate, that instance instead takes on
> its last determinate and possible value, if any, otherwise it takes
> on its default value.
> [Provides an escape hatch so that rules can allow their switches to have
> indeterminate values. This has come up in protos by both me and
> Falsifian. It is useful to have these possibly-indeterminate properties
> be switches, since switches have useful properties and precedent, so the
> always-determinate system cuts off some use-cases.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8256
> Title: Yes, Prime Minister
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Murphy
> Co-authors: Gaelan
> Amend Rule 2193 (The Registrar) by removing this text:
> The Registrar is also responsible for tracking any switches,
> defined in a rule, that would otherwise lack an officer to track
> them, unless the switch is defined as untracked.
> Amend Rule 2423 (First Among Equals) by appending this text:
> The Prime Minister is responsible for tracking any switches
> defined by the rules, not defined as untracked, and not defined
> as tracked by another officer.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8256
> Title: The Fat Director
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Murphy
> Co-authors: Gaelan, G.
> Amend Rule 2193 (The Registrar) by removing this text:
> The Registrar is also responsible for tracking any switches,
> defined in a rule, that would otherwise lack an officer to track
> them, unless the switch is defined as untracked.
> Amend Rule 2423 (First Among Equals) by removing this text:
> The Prime Minister is responsible for tracking any switches
> defined by the rules, not defined as untracked, and not defined
> as tracked by another officer.
> Create a rule titled "The Fat Director" with Power 2 and this text:
> The Fat Director is an imposed office.
> A loose switch is a switch defined by the rules, not defined as
> untracked, and not defined as tracked by an officer other than the
> Fat Director. The Fat Director is responsible for tracking any
> loose switches.
> When a proposal creates a loose switch or causes a switch to
> become loose, the Fat Director is set to the author of that
> proposal. If the Fat Director is vacant and any loose switches
> exist, then the Registrar CAN set the Fat Director to any player
> by announcement. Any player CAN become the Fat Director by
> announcement.
> [Would have called it "Fat Controllor", but that would be too close
> to "Comptrollor", and I didn't want to merge it with that either.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8_2_6_5 (without the underscores)
> Title: [4]
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: twg
> Co-authors: Murphy, Aris, Jason Cobb
> Enact a new Rule of Power 3.0 with the text:
> Rules to the contrary notwithstanding:
> * the Rulekeepor's reports NEED NOT include this rule or any
>  information about it;
> * the Rulekeepor NEED NOT assign this rule a title;
> * players SHALL NOT clearly identify this rule - doing so is the
>  Class 1 Crime of Uttering the Forbidden Name.
> Any player CAN, without objection, exorcise this rule (cause it to
> repeal itself).
> /* Changes from Murphy's version: added "any information about it" (like
> * annotations, etc) to the list of things the Rulekeepor doesn't have to
> * publish; added an extra safety so that we can get rid of it quickly if
> * necessary.
> */
> /* Changes from my first version: increased to Power 3 to overrule reporting
> * requirements; removed the Rulekeepor's requirement to assign a title without
> * identifying it; added an explicit SHALL NOT to Uttering the Forbidden Name;
> * moved the SHALL NOT to within the RttCN clause to overrule the requirement
> * for freedom of speech.
> */
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8258
> Title: Elections Fix
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Jason Cobb
> Co-authors:
> Amend Rule 2154 ("Election Procedure") by replacing the text "election
> for a specified office" with the text "election for a specified elected
> office".
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8259
> Title: Clean up your own mess, without making a bigger one
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Gaelan
> Co-authors: Jason Cobb
> Remove the following paragraph from Rule 2139 “The Registrar”: {
> The Registrar is also responsible for tracking any switches,
> defined in a rule, that would otherwise lack an officer to track
> them, unless the switch is defined as untracked.
> }
> Create a power-1 rule titled “Switch Responsibility” with the following text: 
> {
> For each switch which would otherwise lack an officer to track it, and is
> not defined as untracked, there exists an imposed office named
> “Tracker of [switch name]” that is responsible for tracking that switch.
> }
> [1006/44 states:
> When a proposal takes effect and creates a new office, if the
> proposal does not specify otherwise, the author of that proposal
> becomes the holder of the office.
> I think this works, but we might need to clarify the meaning of
> “creates a new office” to be sure.]
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8260
> Title: The Low Zombie
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Create a Rule titled "Boo!" with the following text:
> One week after this rule is repealed, it is reenacted.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8261
> Title: The High Zombie
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Create a Power=3 Rule titled "Boo!!" with the following text:
> Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, one week after this rule is
> repealed, it is reenacted.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8262
> Title: trick candles
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: G.
> Co-authors:
> Create a Rule entitled "Blink" with the following text:
> One week after this sentence is modified in any way, this rule
> is amended by inserting this sentence as the first paragraph of
> this rule.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8263
> Title: Persistent
> Adoption index: 3.0
> Author: Nch.
> Co-authors:
> I submit the following proposal, "Persistent", AI=3 {
> When this rule is amended, also amend it by appending this sentence to the
> end of the rule.
> }
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8264
> Title: Encouraging Democracy Through Capitalism or Who Pays Subs Full
> Wages Anyway
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: Nch
> Co-authors:
> Amend rule 2496 by replacing the current text {
> * Publishing an office's weekly or monthly report, provided that
> publication was the first report published for that office in
> the relevant time period (week or month respectively) to fulfill
> an official weekly or monthly duty: 5 coins.
> } with the text {
> * Publishing an office's weekly or monthly report, provided that
> publication was the first report published for that office in
> the relevant time period (week or month respectively) to fulfill
> an official weekly or monthly duty: 3 coins for an interim office
> or 5 coins for any other office.
> }
> Reasoning: This should encourage elections for offices. Elections are Fun
> and Cool and help spread the workload and reduce consolidation.
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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