A person (the Transmitter) CAN transmit a Cable

You capitalize "Cable" here, but nowhere else, similarly for "Transmitter", and "Hash".

Side-note: I'm not sure that I understand the cable metaphor. How does one "transmit" a cable?

      The delivery is SUCCESSFUL, and the cable is considered to be
      Received by Agora (or just 'received') if and only if all of the
      following are true:
      - it occurs while the Delivery Window for that cable is open;
      - that cable has not been previously delivered;
      - SHA-256 produces the cable's hash as its output if the alleged
        plaintext is the input.

I think this definition is broken. This would mean that a cable is only Received if "the cable has not been previously delivered". So, the cable would only be considered Received for an instant, since at any time after that instant, the cable would have been previously delivered.

      - SHA-256 produces the cable's hash as its output if the alleged
        plaintext is the input.

Careful, there could be encoding issues here. I could pick some crazy encoding scheme and put the binary representation into SHA-256.

[* I want to say "output of the SHA-256 algorithm" but that's kind of
like saying "the ATM Machine" - what's the right grammar here?]

I would say "the output when SHA-256 is applied to the input".

Create the following Rule, "Terms of Engagement"
You don't specify a power here. I know that the default is 1, but it would be clearer to just specify.

Jason Cobb

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