> On Aug 2, 2019, at 11:27 PM, Jason Cobb <jason.e.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The caller also provides this as an example:
>> "Repeal Rule 1698 (Ossification).
>> Enact a power 100 rule that procides, 'It is IMPOSSIBLE to change the Rules,
>> rules to the contrary notwithstanding.'"
> Again, this is not a rule change. This time it consists of two rule changes,
> and it is possible to cause each one of them in a four week period, as
> described above.
A couple responses to the proto judgement:
1. The Ossification rule says "arbitrary rule changes to be made and/or
arbitrary proposals to be adopted"--that's plural changeS/proposalS. Based on
the text of the rule, Agora is Ossified if there is a combination of rule
changes and/or proposals that are IMPOSSIBLE to adopt in a four week period.
And I think it's undisputed that there are combinations of rule changes that
are IMPOSSIBLE. For example, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to enact the following
pairs of "rule changes":
1a. Enact a rule of sufficient power to give effect to its terms that
states: "No further rule changes can be made." Then enact a rule that states:
1b. Enact a rule of sufficient power to give effect to its terms that
states: "The Ruleset is restored to what it was on 2 August 2019." Then enact a
power 4 rule that states, "Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any further
rule changes are IMPOSSIBLE."
2. I believe there are single rule changes that are also IMPOSSIBLE, i.e.,
where attempts to perform that single rule change would be unsuccessful. For
2a. Enact a Rule of power sufficient to give effect to its terms that
"Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Ruleset consists of this rule,
the Ruleset that was in existence on 1 August 2019, and nothing else. Rules to
the contrary notwithstanding, further rule changes are IMPOSSIBLE."
2b. Enact a Rule of power sufficient to give effect to its terms that
"Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Ruleset consists of this Rule
and the rules in existence on 1 August 2019. It is and always has been
IMPOSSIBLE to enact this Rule by any means."
2c. Enact a rule of power sufficient to give effect to its terms that
"Any attempt to enact this rule is IMPOSSIBLE."