[This is only a draft.]

Sorry if this way too long (I could probably trim it down a bit if necessary), but I did my best to cover all the ground that needs to be covered.

Judgement in CFJ 3765:

I will begin by reading into the record this message from G. ([0]):

A little gratuitous for CFJ 3765-3766:

It's likely that an "arbitrary rule change" can be made by first
making other rule changes to remove any impediments, and then making the
arbitrary change.  However, in judging whether some kind of change is
POSSIBLE, we judge based on the current ruleset - not the hypothetical
ruleset in which a few other changes have been made.  This point (in what
the judgement covers) is worth addressing explicitly.

I agree that if a Rule 1698 were to specify that Agora is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE "to cause arbitrary rule changes" (without specifying a time period), then we might have an issue. However, R1698 does not say such a thing, it instead reads:

Agora is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable
combination of actions by players to cause arbitrary rule changes
to be made and/or arbitrary proposals to be adopted within a
four-week period.

I note that there is a slight grammatical ambiguity here: the above quote could read as either "(to cause arbitrary rule changes to be made) and/or (arbitrary proposals to be adopted within a four-week period)" or "(to cause arbitrary rule changes to be made and/or arbitrary proposals to be adopted) within a four-week period". I believe the intent is the latter reading, and I use the "common sense" test in Rule 217 to impose this reading.

Given this reading, the action in question is not "cause arbitrary rule changes", which would indeed be IMPOSSIBLE to perform under the current ruleset, thanks in part to Rule 1698 itself. The action in question is to "cause arbitrary rule changes _in a four-week period_". With the current proposal process, it is indeed possible to cause any such rule change in a four-week period:

   Day 0: A proposal that repeals any protections is distributed

   Day 0-7: Voting

   Day 7: Resolution of decision to adopt proposal that repeals any

   Day 7: A proposal that makes any arbitrary rule changes is distributed.

   Day 7-14: Resolution of decision to adopt proposal that causes
   arbitrary rule changes.

By this method, arbitrary rule-changes can be enacted. This also certainly constitutes a "reasonable combination of actions by players", and it would succeed even if a small number of days were to elapse between the endings of voting periods and the resolutions of decisions.

For completeness, we consider each type of rule change outlined in Rule 105 and whether or not it is possible for the above process to cause them (after repealing any blocking protections):

1. enact a rule: this is possible with a proposal of any power
2. repeal a rule: this is possible with a proposal of sufficiently high
3. reenact a rule: this is possible with a proposal of sufficiently
   high power
4. amend a rule: this is possible with a proposal of sufficiently high
5. retitle a rule: this is possible with a proposal of sufficiently
   high power
6. change the power of a rule: this is possible with a proposal of
   sufficiently high power

Furthermore, Rule 1698 is protected against possible future changes in the definition of "rule change", as we must interpret the Rules with the definitions currently in effect, and Rule 105 very explicitly states what a "rule change" is, so we must use this definition in our interpretation of Rule 1698. We thus do not need to consider any possible future changes to the definition of "rule change", even within the four-week period.

To decide whether or not it is "IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable combination of actions by players to cause arbitrary rule changes [...] within a four-week period", I consult the definition of "IMPOSSIBLE" in Rule 2152:

1. CANNOT, IMPOSSIBLE, INEFFECTIVE, INVALID: Attempts to perform the described action are unsuccessful.

I have shown above how it is possible for an attempt to perform this action (causing arbitrary rule changes within a four-week period) could be successful. Thus, under Rule 1698, Agora is not ossified. FALSE.

The caller provides some possible "rule changes" that e believes are IMPOSSIBLE to enact; for completeness, I will show that these are not in fact counterexamples to my above claims:

One such example is:

"Enact a power 100 Rule that provides,
'It is IMPOSSIBLE to change the Rules, rules to the contrary
notwithstanding.' Leave the Ruleset otherwise unchanged."

Per the definition of "rule change" provided in Rule 105, this is not a rule change, although it does contain a rule change:

Enact a power 100 Rule that provides,
'It is IMPOSSIBLE to change the Rules, rules to the contrary
This is indeed possible to enact in a four week period, with the method described above. Even the specification of "power 100" does not make this IMPOSSIBLE to enact because Rule 105 provides that the power of the enacted rule is "the minimum of the power specified by the enacting instrument [...] and the maximum power permitted by other rules".

The caller also provides this as an example:

"Repeal Rule 1698 (Ossification).
Enact a power 100 rule that procides, 'It is IMPOSSIBLE to change the Rules,
rules to the contrary notwithstanding.'"

Again, this is not a rule change. This time it consists of two rule changes, and it is possible to cause each one of them in a four week period, as described above.


[0]: https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-discussion/2019-August/055219.html

Rule 1698/5 ("Agora Is A Nomic"):

Agora is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable
combination of actions by players to cause arbitrary rule changes
to be made and/or arbitrary proposals to be adopted within a
four-week period.

If, but for this rule, the net effect of a proposal would cause
Agora to become ossified, or would cause Agora to cease to exist,
it cannot take effect, rules to the contrary notwithstanding. If
any other single change or inseperable group of changes to the
gamestate would cause Agora to become ossified, or would cause
Agora to cease to exist, it is cancelled and does not occur, rules
to the contrary notwithstanding.

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